Chapter 7

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He didn't sleep much that night. And the couple hours he was able to catch a few z's, it was filled with blue eyes, white hair, and pink lips. He woke up in tears. His heart aching for the first time in years. But not for the same type of loss.

His mother's death was excruciating. It was like losing a part of himself when they put that pinewood box in the dirt. But this felt like his heart was being punched repeatedly, over and over, with every beat.

He rolled onto his back and didn't bother wiping his face. The last stray tears sliding down the sides of his face as he stared up at the ceiling.

Why was he feeling so hurt? He was supposed to kill her for Pete's sake! He winced even at the thought. He's known her for a total of 3 days. Day 1, being assigned her hit. Day 2, having the greatest night of his life. Day 3, getting dumped after making out in his car.

His hand reached up to graze over the spot on his neck that he knew she'd left a hickey. His eyes fluttered closed as he went back to that short time when she was in his arms and her lips were on him. It was less than 12 hours ago but it felt like an eternity. He finally wiped his eyes but made no effort of moving out of his bed. He was content wallowing in his sorrows.

That was until his phone rang.

He debated even reaching over to grab it, or just letting it go to voicemail, but ultimately decided to just bite the bullet and answered the call, without even looking.

"Hello." He answered in a flat tone.

"Good morning to you too Son!" Zed shot straight up.

"D-Dad! Hi!" He stuttered obviously in a panic.

"Whoa! Calm down! Did I wake you or something?" Zevon asked with a chuckle.

"No, um, sorry, I'm just feeling a little out of it." Zed replied as he ran his fingers through his hair. Zevon paused but then continued.

"Alright then. I won't keep you long, just calling for a status update on your assignment." Zevon said, getting down to business.

"It's, uh, I'm working on it." He said softly. Zevon paused on the other end of the line.

"Are you ok Son?" His father asked in concern.

"Yeah Dad. At least I think so." Zed assured him, even if he didn't sound too sure himself. "But can I ask you something?"

"Of course! What is it?" His father agreed eagerly.

"What was it like when you first met Mom?" His voice came out barely in a whisper. The phone was silent for a long minute. Zed wondered if their connection dropped, but he heard his father sigh before he could even check the screen.

"It was like I hadn't lived until the day she smiled at me." He finally admitted, his voice sounding sad and blissful all at once. Zed squeezed his eyes shut but smiled.

"Thanks." He said softly.

"Just stay safe for me, ok? I love you, Zed." His father said sincerely. He smiled a little harder with tears threatening to spill. His dad doesn't say he loves him often, but when he does, it really hits home.

"I love you too Dad." He assured him before hanging up.

He debated for a little while longer what his next move should be. Does he take the path of tracking her down like an assassin would, to confront her face-to-face, cuz that's all he's known until now? Or does he take the path of normalcy and just send her a text to show he's still there if she's willing to have him?

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