Chapter 10

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Wherever Addison was hiding had top notch security. Bucky lost visual on his team and, one by one, each of their monitors—vitals and all—went offline, signaling their death. Wherever she was, she wasn't alone. There was no way she could take out ten of the top assassins on her own. Still, Bucky was impressed.

Dale was not.

"I need her dead, Bartholomew," he snapped. "The more time we waste the more of a threat she becomes."

Bucky knew the issue. Addison was a traitor, a threat to the company. But he never thought they'd put a hit on her. He never even believed Addison would betray their company, but he always thought that if she did (or someone else in the family did) there would be a bit of leniency because they were family.

"Sir, this is Addison we're talking about," Bucky said. "You know she's the best assassin we have. Shouldn't we be trying to get her back instead of eliminating her?"

"The rules don't change," Dale stated firmly.

"But...she's your daughter!"

"My loyalties are with the company, as yours should be, as hers should have been!" Dale snapped, making Bucky flinch. He had never seen his uncle so angry. "I will not let Mighty Shrimp fail because of favoritism. I want her dead."

Bucky nodded, afraid to speak. He watched his uncle pace around his office for a minute, stop, and turn. "Troubleshooter's retirement is taking a break," he said with an eerily terrifying smile. "If anyone can take her down, it's you."


Bonzo found an ice pack for Zed's bruising jaw, even after the latter denied the gesture many times. He offered everyone ice but they all refused and he accepted it since none of them had any visible injuries. Zed was sitting on the floor and Addison sat between his legs, leaning back against him and appreciating the cold of his ice pack against her neck.

Eliza was sitting on a crate above Zed and Addison. "Okay Blondie, I'm gonna need you to tell me Bree's number," Eliza said.

Addison repeated the numbers, twice for Eliza, then said, "Every employee's phone is wired through security. It makes sure no one's giving out secrets or fraternizing with enemies. Once we call Bree, the system will identify my voice, which will put us at a huge risk. Are you sure they won't be able to track your computer?"

"Listen Blondie," Eliza stated. "I'm the best hacker, probably in the country. This place is secure for 80 yards. No one will find us unless I want us found."

"You are just great, Eliza, best hacker and humble," Addison teased with an eye roll.

Eliza waved her off. Her computer started ringing like a telephone. Addison listened, counting them off. Bree didn't answer unknown numbers until the sixth ring, which would give the securities system time to run the number. If everything Eliza said was true, they wouldn't be able to put a name or location to them (but Bree wouldn't know that).

"Who's this?" Bree answered.

Addison felt the tension in her shoulder dissipate at the sound of her best friend's voice.

"Bree," Addison said in response. "It's Addison."

"Addy? Where are you calling from? What's going on? Where are you?"

"Bree, I need you to listen carefully," Addison said. "We've been wrong the whole time. Everything they've told us is a lie. We were...we were pretty bad people. I've got an idea, to fix this, even things out a little so to say. And I need you. But if you choose to help me, it'll mean betraying the company."

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