Chapter 8

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Bucky oversaw the majority of the assassins department, but when things went wrong with him, he reported to his supervisor, who also doubled as his uncle (and Addison's father), as well as several other big names. They gave Bucky the hits and Bucky would distribute them. Interactions with his supervisor were few and far between, unless there was a major issue.

Bucky was in such a rush, in such distress, that he nearly forgot to knock before he went into his uncle's office, who was mildly surprised to see him there. "What brings you here?" Dale asked.

"We have an issue," Bucky stated, on the verge of frantics. "I assigned the hit on Necrodopolus's son to the Eclipse, and...and the mission has been compromised."

Dale's expression hardened and Bucky shifted nervously. "Elaborate."

"He got in her head, got her to doubt the company and her role and—"

"Where is she?" Dale asked.

"Waiting in my office."

Dale stood up and Bucky turned and led them back down to his office, where Addison was supposed to be. Instead, they found an empty office and Bucky's computer displaying Addison's file.

'Shit shit shit,' Bucky thought. He looked at his uncle fearfully. "I don't—I didn't—She knows."

Dale pinched his eyes closed, his face pained. Bucky knew what the protocol was for a compromised assassin, but there was no way Dale would do that. Not to his own daughter.

"You know the drill," Dale said, his voice emotionless. "Eclipse must be eliminated."


Necrodopolus, Zora; 39 yo; founder of Z.O.M.B.I.E.S.; wife of Zevon Necrodopolus; status: COMPLETE

Addison read it over and over, hoping the words would change if she kept reading them. But no matter how much she read it, it never changed. It was all real, she killed Zed's mother. She couldn't even bring herself to open the full file; all she could think was, "I killed Zed's mother." Not once in her life did she ever regret a hit. Not until now.

Her world had fallen apart. Everything she thought she knew wasn't real. Bucky was reporting her, she'd get 'fired' and would end up a mysterious death. Just like all of her hits. If there was even a suspicion of disloyalty, they would execute her. She needed to get out of there, to run while she still could.

She got up and grabbed her phone, rushing out of her cousin's office. The people she passed give her funny looks and she ignored them, walking quickly through the office. Once she was through the door, she sprinted through the garage and to her car, throwing herself in and slamming the door shut. She didn't know where to go, where she would be safe or if she would ever be safe again.

Her phone vibrated on the passenger chair. Her first thought was Bucky, trying to figure out where she went. Or her parents, or her grandfather. The last thought sent chills down her spine. There was no way word would get up to her grandfather so quickly. Still, the possibility haunted her. Her worries didn't matter, because it's Zed.

Hey, I know I must have come off as a huge dick last night, but I don't want what I said to ruin what could be between us. I'll take it all back. I'm so sorry for hurting your feelings. Wanna give it another shot?

She was stupid, so so stupid. She should have killed him that first night. That way, she wouldn't have gotten attached. She wouldn't be sitting in her car, afraid for her life because for the first time in her life she's conflicted between a man and her family. If she had done what she was supposed to, she wouldn't have fallen in love with him.

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