NL/BL/GL?? [F]

215 7 1

*Soraru POV
*High school AU

I asked tapping my finger to the table. Kuroneko nodded,
"Yep! Yep! Have you ever read any?"
I gave her a exasperated look. Why would I ever read that?
"You're right," she said, "you'd be way more into GL and NL."
"What's any of that?"
Mafu asked, titling his head a bit.
Kuroneko gave a wicked grin. Causing Amatsuki to sigh heavily. She grabbed Mafu's hands and held them in hers. Such a short girl with such a tall boy with opposite voices of their genders... it really makes no sense.

   "Well! N/L is boy x girl love!" Kuroneko explained,
"And G/L is girl x girl love!" Kuroneko said, hearts forming in her eyes from talking about romance.
"And finally! B/L is what you and Soraru-kun have! Boy x boy love!"
She said happily. Eve choked on his drink. And Urata started laughing his ass off.
"Eeehh... I don't get it.."
Mafu said, looking around at our friends, wondering why they lost it.

   I hit Kuroneko on the back of the head, beginning to speak but—
"She means romance, Mafu-San."
Sou said while rubbing Eve's back, laughing lightly. Luz whined,
"You're deflowering Mafu-don, Kuroneko-Chan!!~"
"Shut up!"
I exclaimed, but everyone just kept laughing and talking while Mafu's face got redder, he denied it but laughed with them. I guess I can laugh if he can.


Sorry for mistakes!
Song I listened to while writing:
Diary of Underage Observation — KurageP
Word count: 244

『like im dreaming』- SoraMafu OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now