When You Leave [A]

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Dear Soraru-san,
As you know, I'm weak. My body's weak, my mind's weak. I'm overly sensitive. I'm sure you'd know that though, huh? So I have one wish.. when you leave.. please be kind. Don't look back, don't hesitate. Just hate me. If you're nice I will surely cry. When you leave with everyone else... please don't break my heart too much, okay? I'm sorry.

- Mafumafu


Dear Soraru-san,
Hi again. It's been awhile now, huh? You didn't leave. I'm so thankful. You helped me grow and become a better person. You led me through a secret passage out my pain. You took care of me, you pushed me to be myself, to do things I was scared of. And I'll always remember how it made me feel. How you make me feel. Somehow I can help but be embarrassed about it... I wonder if you feel the same? You helped so much yet.. I'm sorry. When I leave, will you be sad? Will you feel lost? You never left but I feel lost. I wonder if I'm just weird, huh. Some how I know you'll be okay. I'm sorry for disappointing you and all the others. All the time they spent trying to make me happy was useless. But.. it's selfish.. I'm glad I was me. Even if it's a little life that couldn't save anything. Because I got to meet all you! When I leave, the world will spin, everyone will wake up to a new day. It won't be noticeable. So this is my last letter, two out of two. (I didn't have courage to even give you the first one. Pitiful, right?) And I still don't have courage to tell you the truth. You'd surely hate me. So I'm sorry. Goodbye, Soraru-san.



Dear, Mafumafu
I have gotten your letters. Although to use the word "got" implies you sent them. When I found them. I'm quite sure you put them in that drawer on purpose, huh? That's quite like you. Not being able to tell anyone but still wanting to be understood. Those letters must have hurt to write, huh, mafumafu? I'm so proud of you, I wish I said that more. Now that you're gone, I have so many words let unsaid. I wish I said I loved you. Truly. When I heard the news I told them, "stop joking! That isn't funny!" But they reassured me you were....

Ah there's tears all over the paper now. The paper just tears now. I can't even write the word. I can't accept it. I'm so lonely, so so lonely. I want you back. It really hurts. I know, I know. You'd scold me for wanting to be with you. But I wish you would. But... you can't. I wish I said more, I wish I could go back in time. I can't take it. Please... I wanna wake up and have you back. I feel so empty, I can barely breathe. I wish you let me help you more. I wish

Ah. I can't... I really, really like you. I love you. I'm sorry. Please reply soon....



Not checked for errors currently.
Songs I listened to while writing:
In lolite — GHOST
Word count: 555

What's everyone's favorite track in Mafumafu's Kagurairo Artifact Album? I love ALL of them. But I absolutely in love with Kugutsu No Shinzo

『like im dreaming』- SoraMafu OneShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon