No, I won't wait [AU]

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  Basically.. a tangled series x utaite Drabble.

Spoilers for tangled, especially the season 2 finale "Destinys collide

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Spoilers for tangled, especially the season 2 finale "Destinys collide." (It's basically the last three minutes of the second part of the episode.)
This is basically just rewriting what happened, if you want to read this but have to idea what happens but don't care for spoilers I suggest watching the last three minutes of Destinys collide (The path forms, In this moment, Guilty as charged, under the YT channel Samiksha Mahapatra)
Soraru — Cassandra
Mafumafu — Rapunzel
Amatsuki — Eugene
Pascal — Mafuteru
Raps and Eugene are a romantic couple which means Amatsuki and Mafumafu are here as well. But! I have a big heart and cass and raps are so cute together, so ship them so much too. [aka raps has to hands]
So it's kinda Mafutsuki and Soramafu or SoraMafuTsuki?


     Mafumafu climbed under the fallen statute, embracing his destiny that was soon to come. He felt Soraru's bare hands hit the floor and follow him. Amatsuki seemed to hesitate but climbed under as well. Mafumafu heard the marble floor be pressed under the weight of the statute, the others must have let it down.

    Mafumafu bended over himself, panting a bit for the other two to follow suit. He caught his breath, straightened, and slightly looked back at his two companions only to face back to his so called density.
"We made it, guys."

    Mafumafu walked forward, he could practically sense the other two tense. He looked in front of him, the moonstone there incased in the broken sphere object. The rocks that have been taunting him since that night Soraru sneaked him out laid there protecting the object.

   He felt his hair act up, the sundrop to be exact— pushing and pulling him to the the opposite object of his. The black rocks shone with a bright blue, reacting to the sundrop like they always have been. They all moved, clanking into one another to point the sundrop to the place it longed to be reunited; the moonstone. Mafumafu stood closer to the edge, watching the rocks disappear.

    He pulled all the fear together he felt. Thinking about how Soraru and Amatsuki swore to be with him 'til the end. How many months they've been on the road to reach here, to finish his destiny. He stepped forward, into the blackless pit, he shut his eyes, praying for safety— only to open them when he felt a soft surface hit his feet.

    The path grew for him in a soft blue, he smiled, this really was the end of his fate. He took steps forward, not hesitating, but taking his time. The other two looked at one another before nodding, heading the same way Mafumafu was. All three walked more, until they finally reached it.

    Mafumafu turned back and smiled brightly at Soraru only to be met with Soraru holding on lightly to his arm with a almost sheepish smile on his face. Mafumafu rubbed the back of his neck a little and walked towards his best friend,
The albino said softly, the raven hair in return looking softly at him. Mafumafu grabbed Soraru's armored hand, the hand he had withered and hurt.
"I know these last few months haven't been,"
The sundrop grabbed the other hand,
"Easy.. for us."
He pulled Soraru's hands up, finally meeting his eyes,
"I want to thank you... for everything."
Mafumafu whispered out to the other, smiling happily before throwing his arms around the other's neck.

   Unlike usual, soraru hesitated the hug, lifting his arm up slightly only to bring them back to his side,
"Okay, Mafumafu, it's time."
Mafumafu pulled away, putting his hands on Soraru's shoulders for a bit, before facing his destiny once more.
Mafumafu and Amatsuki met their hands together,
"This is it, Mafumafu."
Amatsuki said, his voice low and soft, the journey had been so long. Was it really already over?
Amatsuki looked at mafumafu kindly,
"And go get your destiny."

   Mafumafu's face showed unconditional joy before bringing amatsuki's hand up to his lips
And then putting it on his face,
"I love you."
Amatsuki sweetly kissed Mafumafu's head quickly holding onto his hands for a few more seconds. Mafumafu let go and rubbed mafuteru's soft cheek before facing back to the  moonstone.

    Mafu took more steps towards the end. The sphere object melting away as he reached closer. The moonstone lifted above it, mafumafu laid his sights on it, amazed by the blue reflective opal. He reached out, reaching for his happy ending— everyone's happy ending. He felt the pull of the magical moon light that dropped to the earth so many years ago. His hand was so close to grabbing it now, all those lessons he's learned, those friends he's gained and lost. All those fights, physically and verbally, it was it.

     The opal made a clank sound as a familiar gloved hand grabbed it from his reach. Mafumafu traced his shocked eyes back to who it was; he swore, prayed it couldn't be. But Soraru opened his eyes to meet mafumafu's. Almost mocking him.
Mafumafu asked in shock, a mix of terror in his eyes. His hair fell, losing the glow it had. He backed up,
"What are you doing?"
This is all a misunderstanding. It has to be. Soraru would never—
"I'm fulfilling MY destiny."
Soraru replied just hand shaking from the power of the moonstone, he wore a rough expression of exasperation.

  The moonstone reacted, the bright blue lights shining through the crevices of soraru's fingers, he let out a groan in surprise and pain. The blue light pushes amatsuki and mafumafu back, sliding slightly on the rock floor. Mafumafu sat up quickly, watching the light from Soraru's hand go everywhere. Mafumafu's eyes widened. Mafuteru was pushed back by the power, grabbing tightly to a rock jagged out of place but lost his grip, amatsuki catching him.

    Amatsuki put a hand on Mafumafu's shoulders while squeezing an eye close to avoid the hurtful light. Soraru let out a sound, rocks quickly started regrowing everywhere, almost hitting Mafumafu's hand. Soraru's old armor broke to be replaced by a armor made out of the rocks, indestructible. His dark raven hair, almost black, becoming a bright blue.

  When it was all over mafumafu sat there in shock, amatsuki's hand around his waist to keep them both steady. Mafumafu's hair fell into his face and eyes, he wish he couldn't have send it. His face wore a broken sadness and shock to them.

   There was a second or two of silence before Soraru let out a quick chuckle, his voice echoing off the walls,
"I tried to warn you, Mafumafu,"
Black rocks grew out quickly and rapidly around Soraru's feet,
"You have to be careful who you trust."


I get quite sad thinking there's only three more episodes until the series is completely finished but.. it was so fun and enjoyable.

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Sorry for any mistakes!!Word count: 1159

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Sorry for any mistakes!!
Word count: 1159

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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