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IT WAS SUCH a vivid scenery to witness...

Everyone would have hated the pouring weather, but not her, an eleven-year-old lass. She had and still does love rainy seasons, especially at night. That is the only time that she adores the absence of the stars and moon.

She also is fond of that, you see?

But little did she know that the things that she held dear, were the ones that will cause her to forget every detail in her life, mind haywired and strings entangled.

MISTER SUN IS ready to say goodbye and yet she is still waiting for his appearance...

That promise-breaker! He said that we will play again, but he is nowhere to be seen. I will just wait until he comes, I guess? He might arrive when I'm gone, then be mad that I am. What a drag.

Yeah, right. Here I am, holding the burning rope of my patience and still have the guts to wait for that asshole.

My mother would have slapped me across the room for thinking of these words, but this ain't the priority for now. I will kick his butt for showing up late and making me worry.

That was definitely cringe-worthy but who cares, anyway? I like him and I don't know when, nor where it started but at some point, I knew that I do. He on the other hand showed it visibly. Maybe, that triggered my realization.

Freshly picked baby's breaths, one of the things that he constantly gives to me. Came and talked to my dizzy heart in the most unexpected times. We also bought candy rings-which we ate after the so-called wedding.

Again, my mom will scold me for having these kinds of thoughts and so is doing such things. I'm just eleven for Pete's sake! Meeting up with him while being aware of how I feel, seemed illegal. Whenever she cleans the kitchen shelves, my name in high volume will be heard along the streets of the suburbs of Marqueza. Why you ask? It's because most of the utensils are sitting on the cupboards of the playhouse inside the town's Freedom Park.

Knowing Nory Feliciano—yours truly— she's not the type to believe in fairytales, and being another version of her current self is beyond me.

But the thing is, where the freaking raccoons is he? I've been playing by myself for hours! This is getting boresome.

That is before it rained cats and dogs, something that caught my attention. It hasn't rained for a while, huh? I missed the trickling coldness of each drop. My feet made their way outside the mini house of the playground in order to feel the huge shower and the breeze that it grooved with.

The Acacia and Mango trees danced to excite the clouds. Even the grumpy Balete tree swayed its sturdy trunk as a way of rejoicing for their free bath.

Above me, a dark blue and almost black sky clapped loudly in return. It must be happy that the living things on Earth welcomed him. Dry or not, the leaves of the said plants rustles whenever a wild puff of wind hum against them.

Some time after, a faint roar was heard, not from the heavens but a car near the vicinity. My gaze adjusted towards where the sound came from. It was their house. His home.

The funny thing is that I don't push myself to people. That's the very reason why I couldn't go to their house just to ask where he is.

The vehicle was loaded by the whole family when I had the chance to see through the windows. I walked as they fade from view, to see grandma Almira. "Where are they heading, granny?"

"My, why are you so wet? You will catch a cold, dear. Haven't he told you? They'll be flying to the States for Thea's recovery. Wait for me, I'll get a towel—"

I knew that cutting someone's words was rude but my mouth moved on its own. Must be the dumb-founded me talking. "Thank you very much but I prefer the cold rain, granny. He didn't. He didn't even say his farewell. But it's alright. Thanks for the heads up, granny..." Waving my hands slowly, I bid my goodbyes with a faint smile.

My young heart decided to run after them. It was not recommended, but it was the least of my worries. We might not see each other ever again.

Shallow reason. I'm being irrational right now, but my body was doing the opposite of what my mind wants.

I ran and ran despite knowing that I'm far too late. They have gone much distant for my short legs, but still, I ran. I looked at every danged road for any signs of their car. I didn't know that our little town can be this big for me. The kicks on my small feet are swimming on rain water.


A sky full of mist, formerly deprived of friends. Had no constellations, stars, moon, and came off as a jail of clouds. That nightmare again. I woke up, panting for air. Heavy breaths and loud beating of my heart.

Why do I keep on seeing that dream? Who was that girl? She looked familiar, awfully familiar. But I don't know who and where I've encountered her. A distant cousin? She looks like me and my mom a little.

For some time, I thought that she was me. Unfortunately, I, she was not. My mother said that it might be the effect of my childhood trauma. The young Noriene set those words as though they weren't reasonable. And it was so much of a coincidence that we both encountered a car accident. But you know what? I've been in the Psychiatric and Psychology field for so long and I once skimmed through an article that such moments do occur.

What's funnier is that another way distinguished experience of hers is similar to mine.

I still can't believe that we almost had a common phenomenon in a different setting. She also ran for the love of her life, though she was young. While I am already twenty-five years old and yet still yearning for him. Masochist I am not, but when it comes to him I don't have control for myself both physically and mentally. Approximately five years since he left me for an unknown reason.

And now, he will show up on the premises of our hospital. No wound, no bruise, no mental issue, no heart problem—good for him. Scratch that. It's nothing good at all. He looks normal. Not a single trace of the man that I used to love. Why am I even looking for that prick? Maybe he didn't change, he just went back to being the lousy bum he trully is.

"Good morning, Dr. Noriene Feliciano." My legs wobbled as he read what's written on the nameplate on my table. Long time no see, albeit the effect that he has is still alive and kicking.

I did everything I can just to hide what lies beyond my mind. A smile was guaranteed to be given to a colleague, and so a grin I offered. "Good day, Professor Darius Pirouette."

I indeed am Dr. Noriene Feciano, a doctor of the mind and one's behavior, and currently the head doctor of my sister company's school clinic. Let's just say I'll be working will the shittiest person in the only planet that I've been on.

"HOW CUTE IS that. The threads are tangling up again. I wish you all the luck, Miss." The inanimate being of kismet spoke as though it was making fun of its favorite victim.

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