Your Homeland (Where You're From)

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Thorin: The Shire

Fili: Always on the move, don't yet have a home

Kili: Imladris- your birthplace, though you don't consider it much of a home

Bilbo: Always on the move, don't yet have a home

Legolas: The Shire

Thranduil: Eryn Galen/Mirkwood

Lindir: Imladris

Elrond: Imladris, born and raised, although an oddball

 Gimli: Gondor, briefly, and then always on the move since late childhood

Merry: Erebor

Pippin: Gondor

Sam: The Shire

Frodo: Eryn Galen/Mirkwood

Faramir: Rohan

Boromir: Erebor

Aragorn: Eryn Galen/Mirkwood

Bard: Laketown

Haldir: Lothlórien

Éomer: The Shire

Bofur: Always on the move, don't yet have a home

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