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--Russias POV--

Without hesitation, I opened the door revealing a surprised Ame. "How the f*ck you knew I was here?" He asked. I didn't answer. He noticed that I was worried and angry at the same time. Ame then concluded that I was demanding answers. "She passed out and now she's in a coma for 3 days." "How did she passed out?" I asked crossing my arms. He apparently explained everything by detail. Until I received a call from Kazakhstan. "Hey Russ! Where are you? We have been waiting for 10 minutes already!" 10 minutes already? Wow that's long. Ame then snatched the phone from my hand and told Kazakh that we're coming. "Oh, Russia already knows by the way." Ame said before hanging up. I said good bye to Phil and headed for the door. We entered the van on our way to Fascist's place. Nada took the wheel and Ukraine was sitting on the passenger seat. It appeared that they are holding hands. "Ayieee" Bela said causing the two to let go for a while. "Bela! Why would you say that? It going to the good part!" I said. Both then became a blushing mess. Both of us chuckled and Canada came to a stop. "We're here." He said. We all came down the car and outside was Italy waiting for us. "Hey guys." The Italian said. Japan gave him a hug and we went in the house. Inside was a clean living room like the last time we went here. We then went upstairs and SK opened the door to Fascist's room. The country was sitting on his bed and had a bandage around his arm. JE swooped in and hugged his best friend. "He's been doing fine so far...he just needs rest." Italy said. After a few seconds, JE finally let go. "Do you remember anything?" He asked while fixing his coat. "Not that much though. All I remember that someone knocked me out and kidnapped me. The rest was a blur" "Well is there anything that you remember about the culprit?" Canada asked. "Well, the top is red, it's probably a boy and it sounded and acted like he hated Ame..." He finished. Ame then scoffed. "Heh, commie" he knew. "But he said it won't be easy" "huh? what do you mean?" Ame is confused "He said that you were gentle to him so it might be a hard time to identify him." I finally cut in. "But that's impossible. Ame sometimes mistreats communists if he's not in the mood" everyone agreed. "I'm sorry but that's all I could remember. I can't go any further." The patient sighed. We had a small talk for a few minutes and we decided to leave.

--Philippines' POV--

Two days left then I can fully recover from my coma. I heard Malay and Indo talking while the door is opening. A doctor I with them. Obviously. "It's just mild trauma based on our patterns that we're receiving. She just needs relaxation and that will do." "Ok. Thanks doc." Indo said before I heard footsteps leaving the room. "Hey Phil, how are you? It's Malay. Everybody is super worried for you right now, especially Papa and Brunei. Your kuya Indo also got his transplant thanks to Singapore. Germany will also be helping on the hospital bills as a thank you. Don't worry, we'll let you choose where to relax once you're discharged." I try to smile but can't. I just want to get out of the bed and hugged them but my body says no. "Also, someone wants to see you as well." Indo added. I was shocked and thrilled to hear his voice once again. My childhood best friend finally returned. I wanted to cry but won't when I heard his voice:

"Hola mi amiga. Soy yo, España"


Eyyyyy finally added him to the story. This took me ages to think of a good cliffhanger. And I don't think that's good enough;-; at least I have been well prepared for the next chapters


Have another art that is super ugly:

Have another art that is super ugly:

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