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(wow I never thought I would reach this far..... Thank you for 1k reads! I really appreciate it. Back on to the story!)

--Russia's POV--

JE?! Why can't it be me? I mean, it's okay. Just give others the chance. Right. My blood is boiling though. "Yo, you okay?" China asked from behind. "I'm not." I whispered angrily to him. "Chill, we're roommates anyways so you talk to me there privately. Is that good enough for you?" "Okay, fine..." China then turned to Japan and whispered something. She nodded and tried to speak to Phil. He grabbed my arm and we head to a cabin. It's actually, nice. It's two storey and there's even a mini kitchen on the first floor so we could cook on our own. There's was also a queen sized bed at the end of the room. The way to the second floor was through a ladder. On top were two beds that were also queen sized. China locked the door and faced me. "So what's up?" He asked. "Well...I am pretty annoyed lately with Ame, Spain and JE... If they hang out with Phil, it makes me want to snatch Phil right out of them and like... protect her from them..." "Ooo~ looks like someone's in love~" I blushed. "N-NO IM NOT! besides, it seems like she's taken..." "She isn't." "Huh?" "She isn't taken. It may seem like it because she has a lot of friends that are boys. Especially Ame." "How do your know all this?" "It's a secret..." He said while looking down. It's like he's saying 'I think I said too much..' kind of look. "Hey, I'm your comrade. You can tell me." "It's too personal" "okay..." Someone knocked at the door. I opened it to see Brunei. "Hello, Brunei, what brings you here?" I asked while patting her head softly. She giggled. "Your GF wants to see you~" she said while running away, hoping not to get chased. I realised what she told me and then I blushed. "See? Even the kid says you look cute together" "shut up..."

--Brunei's POV--

I was now running to Japan's cabin because she is one of my roommates. The other one is a girl named Moldova. She seemed 3-4 years older than me but I don't care. We quickly became best friends though which made me closer to Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. With Russia, not that much. He's pretty quiet. I think I triggered him when I said that his 'GF' is waiting for him.


EvEn BrUnEi ShIpS tHeSe TwO

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