Who am I? (Percy Jackson crossover) Part 3

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"What do you mean cousin?"

'Great', Peter thought, 'this is just fantastic' Nico and Percy glared at him as to say 'you're an absolute idiot, Annabeth would beat your ass right now'

"Yeah, Yeah. Shut up" Peter told them, his stare piercing holes through their skulls.

Tony sighed "they didn't say anything Peter" he said but got no answer,

"Zappy head he's talking to you" Percy informed Peter, the latter growled at the name and the thunder outside growled with him, almost as of they were one.

"Sorry, what did you say Tony?" Peter asked, still death glaring his cousin.

"I said 'they didn't say anything Peter'" Tony said stepping forward.

"They said things through looks" the teen retorted, still mad at Percy for calling him 'Zappy head'  "also Seaweed brain over there is dead" Percy put a hand up to his chest in mock hurt,

"Seriously? That's offensive!" Percy yelled and Nico snorted,

Peter scowled "Well calling me 'Zappy head' is also offensive!" He argued, Nico turned to Percy and Peter,

"You realize your adoptive family is in here, right Pete?" The ghost king said, Peter went wide eyed

"They are?!" Nico nodded his head. The teen spun 'round faster than a cheater and was met face to face with the avengers. Thor stared at him in disbelief,

"Young Peter you are the one of the prophecy?" The thunder god boomed, Peter nodded nervously,

"it's Petros" the teen said,

"What's Petros?" Natasha asked stepping forward to join Peter and Tony

"My name" he said blandly. Everyone, except Percy, Thor and Nico, stared at Peter in shock.

"What?" He asked "it's Greek" Tony shook his head

"Peter Benjamin Parker, That's your name!" The superhero said, Peter sighed

"It's really not." Peter informed. Thor nodded

"he's correct" the God said "tell me Petros how is your father? Us Norse gods don't really communicate with the Olympians."

Percy and Nico nodded in understanding, "Makes sense" they said.

Steve stood up abruptly "What's going on?!" He shouted and all three demi god's sighed

"θα πρέπει να εξηγήσουμε, αλλά θα ήταν ενοχλητικό να ασχοληθούμε με αυτό που έρχεται μετά" (we should tell them, but it would be annoying to deal with what comes after) Percy told them in Greek.

The avengers stared at them "what language are you speaking?!" Tony asked them,

But the boys didn't need to say anything, Natasha had it covered "ancient Greek" she announced

"Thanks Nat" Steve said, "but what are they saying?"

The assassin sighed "that I don't know". The boys continued their conversation in Greek, the rest waiting patiently for them to speak sense again. But as they were waiting, Peter suddenly became very angry at the two other teenagers. He barked at them and the sky roared in reply, lighting consumed the sky and thunder stung the ears of the avengers.
They didn't know what to think, until Peter started talking to himself.

"No Dad" he said "No, that just doesn't make sense." He rolled his eyes, "No uncle Poseidon sent us here" the teen argued.

"Zappy head, don't argue with the king of Olympus" Nico told him, Peter glared at him before going back to the argument in his head.

This went on forever, Peter muttering to himself, seemingly arguing with a Greek god. But Tony had had enough of it, so he decided to do something.

"PETER!" He screamed, in hope to catch the teens attention.


Hello! So two updates in one day! I'm being good to you all. So you guys liking this mini series?

You know, I think I want to make this a book. Should I make this a book? Comment if you want a book our of this mini series!

Cathy's signing out! Goodbye!♡

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