There's An Arrow In Your Butt!

18 4 0

Based on a scene from Shrek

A group of Thugs have taken Yu Takeyama and told Ichi and Kevin to give them ransom money but they learned the hard way as they didn't knew that Yu Takeyama is Mt. Lady and take them all down.

"Whoa whoa hold on now, where did that come from?", said impressive Ichi Ghidorah

"What?", said Yu Takeyama

"That, back there that was amazing, where did do learn that?", said Ichi Ghidorah

"Well when one is a superheroe with many fans... there... there's...", said Yu Takeyama as saw something on Ichi's behind, "There's an arrow in your butt!"

"What?", said confused Ichi then turn around and saw it, "Well look at that".

"Oh no this is terrible, this is all my fault, I'm so sorry", said Mt. Lady as she feel guilty of what happened.

"What wrong?", said Kevin as he naturally didn't pay attention.

"Ichi's hurt", said Yu worriedly.

"Ichi's hurt, Ichi's hurt, oh no my brother going to die", said Kevin as he overreacting.

"Kevin, I'm okay", said Ichi calmly.

"Oh you can't this to me bro, I'm to young for you to die!", shouted Kevin Ghidorah as he's in a panic, "Keep your legs up, turn your head calm, does anyone know the Heimlich Maneuver!".

"Kevin calm down", said Mt. Lady as she grab Kevin my the facial fins, "If you what to help your brother, here's $5, go to a floral shop and buy me a blue flower with red thorns".

"Blue flowers red thorns, okay I'm on, blue flowers red thorns, blue flower red thorns, don't die and if you see a long, stay away from the light!", shouted Kevin as he's still panicked.

"Kevin!", shouted Ichi and Mt. Lady in unison.

"Oh yeah right, blue flower red thorns, blue flower red thorns", said Kevin as he head to a floral shop.

"What are the flowers for", said confused Uchi.

"To get rid of Kevin", said Mt. Lady.

"Ahhhh", said Ichi as he understand

"Now you hold still and I'll yank this out and...", said Mt. Lady as grab the arrow and slowly try to get it.

"Oww, hey easy with the yanking!", shouted Ichi in pain as he moved away.

"Sorry but it have to come out", said Yu then try to catch up with the moving Ghidorah.

"No it tender",  said Ichi as he continued to move around.

"Now hold still...", said Yu as she continue to get the arrow

"What your doing it wrong...", said Ichi then used his wings to block Mt. Lady.

".... don't move ", said Yu as she's went under and almost got the arrow.

"Okay look, time out", said Ichi as he place his wing in front of Yu.

"Would you...", muffled Mt. Lady in annoyance then remove Ichi wing from her face, "Okay, what you propose we do"

"Blue flower red thorns, blue flower red thorns, this would be easy if I know my colors, blue flower red thorns blue red thorns", said Kevin as he look in the floral shop then telepathically heard his brother in pain, "HOLD ON ICHI I'M COMING!"

Kevin snatch the right flowers in his mouth and left the money.

"Ow, not good", said Ichi in pain.

"Okay okay I can move it just about...", said Yu Takeyama as she and Ichi fall now with her on his chest which Kevin cough to get noticed.

"Nothing happens.... we were just ummm?", said embarrassed Ichi then gently push Yu off of him.

"Look if you wanted to be alone all you have to do is ask", said Kevin teasingly.

"Oh come on, that the last one my mind, Yu here was just.... arrrr.... ow", said Ichi then he slightly scream in pain as Yu finally yank the arrow.

"What that... is that.. is that blood", said Kevin then he fated.

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