Who do you have a sleepover with and what do you do? :D

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Aries: Poland
You guys have fun playing board games and watch cartoons!

Taurus: Australia
You guys watched movies while eating Tim Tams!

Gemini: South and North Korea (Double the fun!)
You guys talk about K-Pop and music, while North Korea talks about bombs.

Cancer: Russia
You guys played truth or dare. You dared Russia not to drink vodka for the rest of the sleepover. You guys also stormed into Capricorn's house.

Leo: New Zealand (He also brought his kiwi! (Not the fruit, the animal))
You guys ordered pizza and played some on some Minecraft mini-games.

Virgo: Malaysia
You guys went out for ice cream. You insisted on paying, but Malaysia already did.

Libra: America
GAMER BROS! You guys non-stop played Overwatch and many other games. America kept on screaming whenever he lost.

Scorpio: Britain and France
You guys had a quite fancy tea party with macarons, pastries and delicious tea.

Sagittarius: Canada
Guess who chugged the most maple syrup. Oh and Canada shot every seal that went inside your house.

Capricorn: Third Rei- Jk, Germany
You guys did some studying together, BUT GUESS WHO CAME INTO THE ROOM, THIRD- Nah, it was just Cancer and Russia.

Aquarius: Sweden
WENT TO IKEA BOI! And made some cake when you guys came back home.

Pisces: Japan
You guys made chocolate chip cookies and watched some anime. UwU.

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