might be good publicity

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"And Mom, I promise you. It's crazy how much homework Mr.Kenneth is giving," I semi-lied to my mom as we strolled out of the dress shop.

"I bet honey. Are you okay? I feel like you haven't talked to me or your father in a while," she held open the door and let me walk through with the dress bag draped across my arm.

Well, there isn't much I can tell you.

"Yea, I'm fine mom. School is just amping up since its almost graduation," I lied.

"Okay. If you say so. How're the boys? I haven't heard much about them recently," she inquired. Well she has been gone for a while..

"They really good actually. Except for that incident that happened at school.." I told her, nervous still about the whole topic.

"Yea. Poor Jordan. At least your scar has healed up nicely," Mom gently ran her finger above my eyebrow.

"I guess so.." I trailed off. That day still replayed in my mind, even though I knew I had nothing to worry about.


"Let's get you ready for tonight! Oo! You're going to have so much fun!" my  mom beamed at the extreme makeover she was going to give me.

Today was Saturday. Their plane landed Thursday night and  they were catching up on sleep.

But today me and mom went dress shopping for tonight.

The big banquet ball thinga magiggy.

At this point, I really didn't want to go.

Me and the boys were currently not on speaking terms.

All because of Wednesday night.

They had to fight.

And they didn't even know what it was about. Just a rush of emotions and frustration.

We were stuck in situations that we couldn't be free of, and not knowing how to break away created so much tension.

It just made us crack underneath it.

And speaking of Wednesday...

I actually don't know what happened


"...it was nothing close to self-harm" 

How am I supposed to respond to that?

"It was before I formally met Jordan and Bennett. A little more than a year ago," Declan said with his eyes slightly closed, trying to remember.

He stood me up from his lap and got up on his feet himself.

He pulled me out of the bathroom and led me back to his room, trying to continue his story.

"I'm not exactly certain why, but-" Declan was cut off from a large crash from down the steps, which made me jump in freight.

I forgot there was a party going on.

At my own house.

"-but I guess that's a story for another time. C'mon," Declan grabbed my wrist and lead us down the steps, cautiously.

What we saw wasn't what I expected. I was thinking it was like a crazy dance battle and someone accidently knocked a frame off the wall, but sadly, I was wrong.

In the middle of my living room was two girls on the ground, rolling around, and I assumed it was supposed to be a fight.

"CATFIGHT! WOOHOO!" someone yelled from the crowd surrounding the two girls.

They're Mine (The Good Girl's Bad Boys one shots)Where stories live. Discover now