a school teacher in Colorado

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I was sinking.

The ground was engulfing me, second by second.

My legs were trapped underneath the sand, pressure rapidly applying.

My surrounds were chaotic. Tress blocked my sight and prevented sunlight to stream in.

The trees were filled with shadows. Figures darted across the jungle floor.

A low hanging vine was close to me, swinging low to the pit of quicksand.

The sand had now reached my ribcage, solidifying like concrete.

I couldn't breath. Crawling from the shadows were the terrifying faces I have come to know more than intimately and have also come to fear.

Menacing smiles crept on the faces of Raymond, Wyatt, and the four men who raided the base.

They tauntingly circled around me. Reaching out their hands, acting like they were going to help me.

"Please...please," I pleaded, gasping for air as the sand reached my neck.

But my cries went unheard.

Instead I had too think and fight for myself. Like always when the boys weren't around.

The boys. Jordan. Bennett. Declan.

Where were they?

Never mind that, I don't have enough time to wait.

I remember reading an article about relaxing your muscles and skeleton to easily escape the grasp of quicksand.

So I closed my eyes, picturing a relaxing vacation and a spring break that wasn't stressful.

I felt the sand around me loosen.

But instead of easing my movements, relaxing my body allowed me to fall even deeper into the pit.

Once the sand had covered my head, I was now able to breath freely but darkness filled my vision.

Wind seemed to whip past my head in this new setting.

It was extremely loud, howling.

Before I covered my ears, I was able to decipher slanders and hurtful remarks of my bullies.

I had to cover my head from the extreme volume that refused to drown out. I hugged my knees to my chest and cradled my body, mumbling sweet nothings to feel somewhat secure.

Suddenly, everything stopped. The wind stopped fighting me and the darkness was no longer so suffocating.

There was a dim light, currently the size of a pinhead, in the middle of all the darkness.

From where I was, the light was radiating.

As I got closer, I had to shield my eyes from the opposing brightness.

When I stepped fully into the light, I turned back and realized I escaped some sort of cave.

Above me I heard the sounds of wings flapping and cawing.

In the sky, hawks were circling, talons sharp and beaks shining.

The scene around me was dry land, canyons and caverns.

Not a soul in sight, and just a little ways ahead was the cliffs end of the turf I was standing on.

No escape. Either back into the cave or over the edge of nowhere.

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