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"Insolente! Comportement imprudent ! Complètement hors limites et sévèrement illégal!" The Bellefeuille head of house screeched, her perfectly kept bun slowly coming apart. She kept spluttering on, her face gradually turning more red, "Tu as de la chance qu'on n'appelle pas le ministère sur toi, misérable fille!"

Ivy tried to crawl back into the hospital bed she was currently in, her face almost as red as her head of house. "Madame Baudelai--"

"No!" she squealed. "We 'ave put up wiz a lot from you over ze past five 'ears, girl. Ze only, only, reason you 'ave been allowed zu stay for zis long, iz--" the entrance to the hospital wing swung open, a glittering white like everything at Beauxbatons, and in walked, "Madame Maxime!" Madame Baudelaire said in shock, quickly straightening up her flustered stand, holding her chin up high.

"Partez, madame," the headmistress spoke frankly and Madame Baudelaire quickly scurried off. As the large, over-arching doors closed with a loud bang, an ominous silence fell over the two remaining people. Madame Maxime, towering over Ivy's bed, stared at her pointedly.

Ivy couldn't tell if she was about to be murdered. "Hey, bonjour, how do you d--"

"Don't speak."

She sighed and visibly inflated, playing with the charms on her bracelets. "Let me exp--"

"'Ow?" Madame Maxime asked. For now, it seemed she was keeping her temper on a leash, but her tone was venomous. "'Ow can you explain what zis was? You and monsieur Lambert--"

Her eyes widened. "Henri had nothing to do with this!" she protested.
"Oh, I am zure," she didn't seem sure, "We 'ave endured your... blagues et manigances, for zo long. Not anymore."

"What are you saying?"

Henri Lambert leaned against the cream-coloured brick walls of the hallway leading to the Beauxbatons hospital wing. Tapping his foot, he ran a nervous hand through his hair.

Then, after what seemed like forever, the doors opened. First came out the Headmistress, an unreadable look on her face and a few seconds later, Ivy Evans, his best friend in the whole wide world, followed. Her shoulders drooped at her side and her sullen face didn't promise any good news.

He pushed himself off the wall as he fell into stride next to Ivy. "What happened? What did she say? I saw Baudelaire practically hopping out of there. Merlin, will you say something!" He grabbed her arm and turned her to face him.

Ivy sighed as she looked up at him and mumbled something under her breath.

Henri rolled his eyes. "Speak, Evans."

"I got expelled," she said, loud and clear. "Sacked, got 'let go' or however you wanna call it. Point is: I, Ivy Evans, am no longer a student at Beauxbatons Academy."

♡ ♡ ♡

Oleander paced in front of the fireplace, his hair visibly beginning to grey as his daughter sat back on the couch, a guilty look on her face. "Five years," he said. "You made it a whopping five years without getting expelled. And then you pull this?"

"It was an accident!" Ivy defended. "How was I supposed to know my actions would have consequences?"

Oleander stopped short and slowly turned to Ivy, an unbelievable look on his face. Funny, he seemed to make that face a lot when his daughter was around. "An accident?" he said quietly. "You blew— You," he pointed an accusing finger at her, "are grounded."

Ivy opened her mouth to protest but Oleander quickly shushed her. "I don't wanna hear it. I am so disappointed in you, Ivy."

From outside the madness of the Evans household, an owl swooped down to the small cottage in Pittenweem.

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