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10 • ... it's only ever me to blame?

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"Shit, Brad." I muttered while pulling away from him, gathering air and nervously sighing.

Suddenly the front door started to open with force and it hit the wall, seeing Tris and stomped his way to my room.

Did he see it?

Did he see us kiss?

Instantly, I got scared and felt weak for a second. I glance at Brad who had a worried face and left him.

"Tris." I call out and ran up to him, he had bags on his hands and his grip on them was real tight. "Yes?" He suddenly stopped, causing me to bump on his chest when he turned around. "A-are you okay?" I said nervously, not looking at him in the eye.

He inhaled, about to say something but then decides not to say it anyways.

"Also you got me worrying! You left without permission." I frown at him, rubbing my head and sighing. "I'm not a child, Lee." He replies, placing the bags down and crossing his arms. "You could've at least, woken me up." I said, "I didn't want to disturb you." He replied, his voice starting to get louder. "Alright, I don't wanna argue with you." I said, same volume like his. I cursed under my breath and walked away from him.

I was making things harder for Tris, but it's kind of his fault as well. If he wouldn't act like a bitch then I wouldn't have reacted like this.

I am confused as to why he was acting all strange, days ago he was still fine with me and ever since that time when he heard Brad saying 'kiss me' he'd gone ballistic.

"Fucking hell!" I heard Tris yell and slammed the door, I felt absolutely horrible.

I made my way downstairs, seeing Brad doing his own thing. "I'm off for a walk." I said and quickly exiting the house before he could even reply.

I began jogging to god knows where, I just wanted some alone time and tears started to fall.

This is what I hated the most, problems. I know that we couldn't just be problem free and shit, we must've been through something.

I'm glad Brad hadn't followed me, god what is wrong with me? These past few days I've been really down, I've gotten extremely bipolar and I just was mad at everything.

No, I'm not on my period.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

"Thanks for this." I sighed, "No problem." Connor replied, taking a sip from his drink.

I accidentally bumped into him while running away from shit, which I know isn't the best idea at all. He was kind enough to talk about it.

He offered me a drink and wanted to talk about things, he was extremely nice and is in a good mood which I hope I was in too.

"So, want to talk about it?" He asked, looking up at me. "Yeah..." I shifted uncomfortably on my seat.

"What happened was, Tris had a problem a couple days ago, I felt terribly bad for him and that's where things started to go downhill."

I paused when my phone started going off, I glanced at it to see never ending messages from Brad.

Where are you?

Where did you go?

You should've told me.




I decided to ignore it and went back to telling the story to Connor.


Few minutes later after I told Connor everything, he was concerned for my feelings and relationship with Tris. Also I told him about the situation between me and my father, parents rather.

About the stupid rule.

Then my phone went off again.

Lee, it's late.

Where are you? I'm picking you up.

Lee your dad's gonna worry.


"I better go,"I said to Connor while giving him a warm smile,"Brad's looking for me, I don't want him to come out looking." I groaned. "Do you want me to drop you off?" He offered, I politely declined and waved goodbye.

It was cold outside, I didn't have anything, I was wearing a huge tee and some jean shorts.

While the sun finally sets, I got more nervous. My parents never usually let me go out this late, and I know damn well that my dad would yell at me when I get home.

Light flashes in front of me and I heard engine.

I didn't mind it until it pulled up in front of me, then honked at me. "What?!" I yelled, knowing it was Brad. "Get in, dumbass."

And now he's calling me dumbass.

I ignored him and continued walking away from the car, "What the fuck are you doing?" He opens the car door and slammed his hands on his head.

"Walking away." I said.

"No shit Sherlock." He groans and I saw him walk closer to me and pulled me in my arms, "Let's go, Lee, your dad would kill me if he knew I left you out here."

"Who cares?"

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

"Lee, finally!" Dad said while giving me a hug, which I didn't return. "Thank you Bradley." My dad gives him a stern look, me a concerned one.

"Anytime sir." He replied softly and dad shuts the door in front of him.

"Let's talk, Lee." Dad utters, making my heart beat rapidly and I think I know what's coming up.

I hope he didn't know about the kiss, I'm not even allowed to hang out with boys, but because of that. I decided to ditch every rule and did what I wanted.

"What now dad?" I asked, completely uninterested.

"How's your day? Where have you been?" He said calmly, I raised a brow due to confusion and simply answered the question. "At Tris'." I lied, getting more nervous every second that has passed.

"And? What'd you do?" He asked, more sternly this time, "dad why do you need to know?" I said defensively and started heading upstairs, before he cuts me off.

"I heard you kissed Brad." He said.





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