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11 • you're confused, about me.

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"Kissed who?" I chuckle, trying to shake the topic off. "You kissed Brad, what did I tell you about that?" He said, sternly. I roll my eyes and groaned,

"I did not kiss Brad! Who told you that?!" I lied, yelling weakly at dad, he didn't but it though.

"Yes, you did."

"You know what, whatever. I'm gonna go now, you believe in what you believe but just so you know, I did not kiss Brad." I said, completely annoyed. I stomp my way upstairs and opened my door aggressively.

That's when I saw a figure sitting on my bed.

"Tris? What are you doing here?" I slowly placed my bag down as he turned up to look at me, "came here to talk." He said calmly.

I was starting to think that he may be the one who told dad about the kiss... considering he was there seconds after it happened.

"Talk about?" I utter, sitting next to him, even though it definitely felt awkward. "Stuff." He said softly, "Okay, Tris. Stop beating around the bush and just tell me I-" I was cut off by Tris groaning and he faced me.

"I saw you and Brad kiss."

"So?!" I whisper-yelled at him, trying not to let my dad hear. "I told your dad." He said, proudly even. Gosh, I got so irritated I groan in frustration. "What the fuck? Tris? You knew about the rule!" I yell at him, his face still blank.

"He deserves to know." He stood up, exiting the room and slamming the door shut. "Fucking arsehole!" I grab a pillow and throw it at the door the second he left, I cursed under my breath and laid flat on my bed.

What a day.

──── ────

I woke up to Abigail whining and screaming my name, "What?" I groan, sitting up and furrowing my brows as I tried to adjust my eyes to the light brimming through the window.

I glanced at my phone as she complained about having no more food in the fridge, it was very very early. 6:23 am.

"What are you doing up this early?" I asked her, she stopped ranting as she points at the door. "What?" I said, at the direction she pointed at.

"Dad wanted to let you grab some food."

"Ugh, can't it wait?" I muttered and tucked myself back to bed, "No it can't." I heard my dads voice from behind and doubted weather to listen to him or just stay in bed all day.

I decided to give in.


"Grab some, milk, eggs, cereal, and peanut butter. Oh! And also ice cream." Dad said joyfully, I was still upset about the fact that he knew about the kiss.

"Come back hom immediately, no more talking with Brad and such." Dad chuckled, he had grounded me for 2 weeks. Which means, no going out with friends except Tris which is nearly impossible because we just argued last night.

Second, curfew at 8 which isn't that bad anyways.

And thats that, I'm just glad he didn't take my phone away or anything, otherwise I'd panick.

"Is that all?" I ask, "Yes dear." I shrug and finally shut the door.

Cold wind hits my warm body as I walk heading to the grocery just down the road, I swear we have everything near our house.

"Is this what you call fate?" I heard an oddly familiar voice from behind, causing me to become uncomfortable. "Shut up." I can't help buy let out a grin, I heard him catch up to me and he finally did and let's out a satisfied sigh.

"Hello." I said quietly, my eyes still fixed at the road. "Hey, where you off to?" He was about to place his arm on my shoulder but ended up not doing it, which made me confused.

"Groceries, you?" Finally turning to him, "You- what the fuck?" I said shocked as I saw a huge bruise plastered on his face just below his cheekbone. "Brad what?" I said, stopping at my tracks to face him properly and view the bruise better.

"Apparently they knew as well." He rolls his eyes, wait. His parents didn't want him getting involved with shit like mine?


"Oh." I said, hard for me to find the right words to say. "What about you?" He asks, as we began walking again.

"Got grounded, fucking hell." I muttered, somehow loudly enough for him to understand. "Also, I'm apparently not allowed to see you at all so bye." I joked, running away from him.

Of course I didn't want to leave him, what kind of human would do that?

"Hey, Lee!"

──── ────

"Where are the ice creams at?" I ask Brad who was examining the piece of fruit on his hand. "Two isles away, why?" He looks up at me, "Cause I'm gonna buy some, dumbass." I giggle and walked my way there.

Brad followed closely behind, still examining the damn fruit.

"Watch it Simpson." I said, he almost bumped into someone while looking at the fruit which made me chuckle and I earned a glare from him.


"Isn't that a bit too much?" I asked while we were waiting in queue for paying, "No?" He said, asked even. "That's too much drinks, Brad." I said, stepping forward. "No it's not." He grins.

"Whatever, enjoy getting all drunk and shit." I roll my eyes and it was my turn to pay and the lady started to grab my stuff.

I thanked her and headed out of the store, bottles softly crashing into each other as we begun walking back to my place.

"You better distance yourself from me when we're near home." I said, squinting my eyes as cold wind hits me. "That's clearly impossible." Oh, he's flirting now?

"Stop it." I giggle and tried to hide my tomato looking face, "You like it." I can sense him grinning so I didn't respond at all.

Minutes later I've reached my house, said goodbye to Brad and opened the door slowly.

"I'm back!" I yell and saw Tris sitting on the couch, "You still had the fucking balls to stay, have you?" I roll my eyes out of annoyance and placed the bags down.

"Apparently your dad likes me here." He smirks.

"No shit."


Woops. What have I created?


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