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25 • all the rumors getting through...

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Friday, thank gosh.

I couldn't do anything today, except for study and maybe chat with Scar on the phone for a bit when I get home, which is not enough for me to be entertained.

I was walking to school with Abigail, dad couldn't give us a ride because the car got destroyed, I don't know what happened.

Mom will be coming home this weekend, I was so hyped and I wanted to see her so bad. I felt like I could talk her though this, but I also doubt that happening since she also isn't quite fond of the idea.

I fetched Abi to her school, then rushed to mine because I wasn't aware of the time.

Entering the school premises, I immediately saw Scarlett with Connor which is a bit random, since I only saw then together once until this.

"Con, Scar." I said, walking over to them with a huge smile plastered on my crusty lips. "Hey Lee! Good to see you again." Connor said, then aimed for a hug which I gladly accepted.

We chatted the whole time, all of us heading to class, luckily we all had the same class and got unexpected time to spare before class begins. Connor asked a couple of questions about Brad which I didn't entertain and just found a way to get out of topic.

-time skip (cuz school is boring .-.)-

After school we three decided to go over at Connor's house, even though I wasn't allowed to, I texted my dad pretending we were going to finish a project at school with Scar and Con. Which he believes in. Clouds were grey and I was pretty sure it was going to rain, I love rain, makes me happy.

"Why aren't you allowed to hang?" Con asked, my heart started pounding fast and I didn't want to let him know because, I just didn't. "Because, I'm having terrible mood swings and I just don't fucking know what's wrong with myself." I said in a joyful tone, but sarcastically. "Well, okay?" He said.

I tilt my head down, Scar knew about the rule, so she didn't say a word.

"Want to grab some coffee guys? Or should we just order some food instead?" Con suggested, I gladly accepted his offer, about coffee. Turning back to face the white wall, remembering the words dad had told me haunted my mind, I hated it.

"So, he found out, didn't he?" Scar whispered while Con was on his way to the kitchen, "Yeah, fuck." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Sorry about that, I tried to stop Tristan from saying it I-"

"Tris said it?" I said in shock, well, not that shocked, it happened before. "I trusted him!" I whisper-yelled and clenched my fists into a ball. "Calm down Lee, he was just so fucking angry I-"

"Where is he? Tell me." I begged, my eyes furrowed. I was in the verge of crying, I didn't want to make a scene in Connor's house so I kept my tears. "Should I call him?"

"Yeah." I answered fast.

She began ringing Tris and after two rings he picked up, "Tris where are you?" Scar said calmly, "Why? Are you okay? Has something happened?" I heard since Scar put it on speaker phone, "Fuck yeah something happened." I muttered and rolled my eyes.

"Meet me at my house." Scar ended the call, "You go Lee." She stopped me from standing up, "I am going, please tell Connor I'll be back in a sec." I looked at the kitchen to see him looking back at me.

"Are you sure you're going to be fine?"


Nervously walking to Scarlett's house I saw Tris standing alone, him focused on his phone and tapping his shoes rapidly. "Hey Tris." I said enthusiastically, "Lee? Hi." He turns to me and pulls me into a hug, I pulled away rather quickly and let out a uncomfortable chuckle. "Look, Scar isn't here nor going here before you ask."

"I know." He replied calmly, "Why did you tell dad?" I said sternly, my eyes glaring through his. "That's the thing Lee, I'm so so fucking sorry again." He sighed sharply and placed his hand on my shoulder which I aggressively push away.

"I trusted you, Tris." My jaw clenched. "I trusted you, I gave you a second chance and without a doubt you'll ruin it again! You think it's okay? Tris, with that I couldn't even see my friends anymore and you fucking know that!" I yell, tears falling.

It was starting to drizzle, I didn't give two shits anyways. "Why did you tell him, Tristan? You know the consequences." My breathing started to become unstable, rain pouring harder every second that has passed. "Why did you tell him-"

"Because I fucking love you Lee, not just as a fucking friend! I was so mad at Brad and when you had feelings for him, then the next thing I know is that you're fucking dating!" He yelled back, see the thing is.

I already kind off know that.

Tris has been extremely sweet to me ever since and is over protective, when he knew I had feelings for Brad, he distanced himself from be for a couple of days and came back like nothing happened.

I didn't want to talk about his feelings for me, but somewhere deep inside I knew he liked me, even a tiny bit.

But this didn't seem like a tiny bit for me.

He said he loved me.

"I knew that, Tris." I said monotonously, I blinked a couple of times due to the rain and I was soaking wet. Tris was absolutely a mess, I didn't want to talk to him about his feelings because, about the divorce and I didn't want to add.

The time when Brad and I started to hang, I forgot about everything, about the rule and Tris. I had way too much fun and I wasn't guilty of any of it.

"Then why'd you keep it a secret then? You knew all along! You could've talked to me about it!"

"Tris I don't want to fucking hurt you but you also knew that I liked Brad! You should've told me sooner!"

"And now you're blaming me because of this? Bullshit!"

"I'm not fucking blaming you! I'm telling you what you should've done so any of this wouldn't happen!" I yell, my throat started to hurt and I looked like a total disaster.

I heard a faint voice calling me, I didn't care.

"I didn't want to hurt you, Tris." I trailed off till someone pulled me from behind and I gave in, "Let's go Lee, that's enough, it's pouring!" Scar said, we stood under her umbrella to the way to Con's.

"We've called Brad, he's at Con's."


I'm sorry I haven't had any inspiration at all and I haven't read a fanfic for ages! I don't know what's wrong with me but here you go! :)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, xx.


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