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16 •  Cause a boy like me and girl like you...

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

"Thanks for letting me stay."

"You'll have to put Abi to bed though." I reply as I sat beside Brad on my bed. "And your sleeping on the floor." I stomp my foot on the ground where he will sleep to get his attention, he was busy with his phone.

"Sure." He replied, not even glancing up at me. "Does your parents even know about this?" I chuckle and laid down. "Yeah."

"What are you even doing?" I shot up and still, he didn't even flinch or look at me. "Typing in the lyrics." He replies, "Of what?" I shift closer to him to take a look of what he's done.

"A song."


He didn't reply, "Bradley why are you so stubborn?" I groan and took my phone out, to go talk to Scar and why Tristan was really over at hers.

"Hey, Scar." I smiled, "It's Tris."

"You're still there? What on earth are you still doing there? I though you were only forced to stay?" I said, amazed because he decided to stay.

"Well, because I like to?" He replied, unsure of what words he should use. This got me thinking,  maybe Tris likes Scar? Maybe they're dating?

"Are you," I said, hesitating wether to ask him or not. "Are you?" He spat, "Two dating?"

"W-what?! No- I don't, I like someone else." He stuttered, "Who?" I ask curiously, how come he'd never tell me? Maybe he developed feelings for someone while him and I were fighting.

"Guess." He chcukled, "I have no idea." I replied honestly.

"Well, that sucks." He ends the call.

"What the? Ass!" I yell and burst out laughing. "What's going on Lee?" Brad shots his head up and won't take his glance off me. "Nothing." I settle down and began texting Tris, 'You ass.'


12:34 am, Brad was still writing something on his notebook which was originally mine but she stole it and now he wont give it back, I tried to sleep first but couldn't because Brad's goddamn light is on and shining onto my face.

I kept scolding him about his light and he kept saying 'deal with it'. "Brad." I whine, turning around in my bed for the billionth time now. "Cmon Lee, please let me finish this. Just sleep already, face the wall." He replied, "Gosh, hey mom." I snicker and he did as well.

I did what he said, turned to the wall and now, I couldn't sleep.

"Fucking-" I mutter and sat up, "hell." I trailed off, grabbing my phone from the tip of my bed and laying back down.

I saw two messages from Connor and three from Scarlett, "There's school tomorrow, right?" I shot up and looked at Bradley with a worried face.

Shit I totally forgot. I still have to bring Abigail early to school.

"Yeah? Well, if your gonna ask me, no. I'm not going to school tomorrow."  He slurred, in a low tone. "Okay, then." I said, tucking myself back to sleep.

"You should too."

"What? No! You're crazy." I scoff.

"Cmon, take a break. I know what's going on with you and your parents. All you do is fucking study and shit."  He replied, his voice quite filled with anger.

"Hey, no- I. That's not what I do." I defended myself which clearly didn't work, "yeah you're right." I sigh and thought about what he said, skipping school sounds great, but if my parents know about this I'd be dead on the spot.

"So if I skip school with you, I need to pretend that I'm sick. Should I text dad about it so he wouldn't be confused when some random teacher tells?"

"Yeah, do that."

Quickly I open 'messages' and clicked on my dad's contact. 'Hey, dad. I'm currently sick right now, assuming from the rain few days ago. Won't be attending school tomorrow, just so you know.' Then I hit send, nervous for his reply.

Surprisingly, he replied pretty quick.

'Sure Lee, get well soon! Oh and ask Tristan to get you some meds if you think you need some. Love you.'

I squealed, immediately sat up from the bed and clapped my hands. "He said it was fine!" I giggle and looked at Brad who was smirking at me. "What?" I chuckle softly.

"Nothing." He turned back to his notebook, wide smile still plastered on his face.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

My alarm went off at around 6 am, remembering that I had to go drop Abigail off to school.

I quickly turned my alarm off, not wanting Brad to wake up. I peeked to see if he had, luckily, he was still asleep.

Slowly I got off bed and tried my best to lower my noise, closing the door behind me and walking towards Abi's room.

"Wake up Abi." I poke her arm, I didn't get a respond for about a minute, "Abi." I whisper-yell at her, then, she finally stood up.


"Alright you've got everything?" I asked her as she pats her head and fixes her skirt, "Yep!" She exclaimed. "You didn't wake me up."

I turn around to see Brad, with messy hair and his voice groggy. "Sorry, you were sleeping. I didn't want to wake you." I said, turning back to Abigail who wanted Brad to come and drop her off.

"You up for it?" I ask him.

"Yeah sure."

-minutes later-

Brad had came back from the bathroom, tidied himself up and changed into some shorts. "Let's go now." I said.

Being with Brad for more than a day made me feel great, I wanted to forget about the stupid rule, but once I've forgotten it, still hits me somehow.

Mornings are really cold in where I live, so as evenings. Abigail's school was like a 20 minute walk from home since we didn't have a car to drop her off.

"Your going to do this for more than a week? Wow poor you." Brad said, giggling. "Yeah, poor me."


This is cute lmao.

Thanks for reading! Also if I made any mistake somehow please let me know! That'd be great! :)


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