Chapter 10

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Franki's POV

This has to be really easy. I understand English naman and I love reading books. Based on the title, I'm kinda expecting that this is a love story.

[ "Before I Met Her"

Rain seems endless but the sound of it gives me comfort. I never loved the sight of the rainbow after every flood, just like how I hate people ruining my life then with a single apology their lips states, all were plainly forgotten. The beauty they see in it is an illusion, a lie we kept on believing over and over again. At the end of the day, we learn that life is meant to be a cycle that even though how hard you try to change your fate, it wouldn't change because life says that your efforts and down times weren't enough. Well, I didn't say it would never change. There is no such thing as one hundred percent, that's why possibilities itself is possible at all. ]

I stopped. Okay, maybe not a love story.

"Why?." Diana asked.

"I'm expecting deep vocabulary terms as a hindrance for comprehension, but this--it contains simple words with deep meaning. I never thought that simplicity is not always simple, and easy is not always easy."

"Yeah. I guess you don't have any idea how complicated things are until you read something really deep with simple words. Those are the ones you are familiar with that suddenly stopped making sense. Anyway, proceed."

[ Scribbling lines in my notebook, trying to get it perfectly straight without using a ruler or anything to trace from but I've been here for hours and this seemed to be completely hopeless. I once made it years ago, but I don't think I can do it again though I'm still trying.

It has nothing to do with school, I just love doing this every time I thought of wasting time. No homeworks, it's already summer. The sun, it was beautiful because I thought it's suffering, poor thing. 3pm. I smiled looking at the window seeing the sun behind the clouds. Then looked down to my notebook, lines. Looks like it's raining, it's sad in that particular page.

The door suddenly opened, showing up a clown. I sat there terrified. I never liked clowns. It slowly walked towards me. I felt my tears falling down and heavy breathing. My body literally froze. The next thing I knew, I'm running out of nowhere and now there are more of them. Still running. Stumbling. Until I realized that the path that I am running into could end my life.  It is a dead end, a cliff. I wanted to stop but I can't. The clowns would get me.

Now, I stopped at the exact edge of the cliff. They stopped. Their hideious faces are staring back at me, hearing the way they laugh as they look at me totally creeps me out. They walked slowly, I looked behind me. I'm going to kill myself if I let myself fall, but come to think of it. Approaching those clowns could be dangerous too.

Whatever I am choosing, the choice would end up making myself hurt, dead or maybe these clowns are harmless at all. If ever they were, my only way of knowing is to approach them. If they show some aggressive actions, I could possibly hurt them but I don't want to hurt anybody. So, my choice would be--I looked back to the dead end, thinking this could be good bye.

As I was about to jump, I woke up in reality. I found my mother standing near the door. She looked really worried.

"Are you okay? You've been here the whole time. Go out. You are wasting summer days." She said and I nodded as we both went downstairs.


"Wait, that's it? The end? Diana, I don't get it."

"Everyone has that expression the first time they read this. How old are you again?."


"Great. A 14 year old girl wrote that. She won first place with that entry."

"And people understood this? Unbelievable."

"Nope. At first, majority of the judges did not understand. But this one judge, he's a 50 year old college professor in journalism. He got the point, and you know what he said to the girl who wrote this?."

"What? What did he say?."

"He said, Not all people use their brain to show bravery. But that kid figured that strategy out."

"What does that mean?."

"Ganito kasi yan, people will always judge you whether they understand or didn't understand your point. This works when they already have their bias or constructed beliefs. But when someone doesn't understand what you're fighting for or has no idea what you're talking about, these shallow minded people can't attack you. Most of them will just brush it off because they know if they push this through even further, they'll look and sound like idiots. If a highly intellectual person understands, congratulations you got the help you need."

"So, the person here is asking for help?."

"Yes. And that's what you have to figure out. Why she is asking for help? Why is the title called BEFORE I MET HER?. So that's your assignment. Better translate the whole story in Tagalog on your own."

"Okay Diana. I'll take it."

This job needs a lot of brain work. It's amazing how you could read something that makes you think rather than just entertaining yourself.

I'm sure Diana figured this out. She's really smart. They say smart people doesn't get a lovelife fast and easy. I think that's the reason why she is single.

Impressing her needs a lot of brain power. Maybe she's sapiosexual. A lot of people are like that. They're more attracted to brains than bodies.

For me, I think that's beautiful. Falling in love with a wonderful mind is a great, amazing and crazy experience. I just hope Argel is like that.

Well, he's funny but his jokes aren't witty. They're just really down to earth. He has a perfectly built body too, that makes him a really attractive individual.

But I'm still wondering, what is really Diana's type of guy? Sana naman, not the Argel Type.

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