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"Ateneo Lady Eagles wins the championship against UST..." 

We won. Is this real? Oh my god! I looked around the arena. Many things were happening all at once. A lot of photos were being taken, reuniting families with my teammates, the fans and the community celebrating the victory. We did it. Kami ulit.

I searched the left side of the crowd. When I saw Cel and Maki, I ran to give them the tightest hug.

"We are so proud of you, Bea. We knew you could do it." Cel exclaimed while tearing up.

"Congrats girl! We love you so much." Maki added.

"Thank you guys. Thanks for believing in me since day one. Do you know where my parents are or other people I know?" I asked reluctantly.

"Your parents are there on the other side. And in case you're wondering, he's there as well. Grabe, that man. The way he celebrates when you score. Never fails." Cel said with a teasing smile. She just rolled her eyes and went to find her family.

I saw familiar faces as I went and just smiled at everyone. I saw my batch mate, Therese Gaston, and patted her shoulder. Behind her, surprisingly, is the person she never knew she needed to see after this win.

Their eyes met, locked and everything was in slow motion.

It was just us in our little bubble.

Nakangiti ang loko. I know that smile of his. I also felt my face light up seeing him.

At that moment, all my inhibitions were gone. Everything that scares me about being with him again just went away. Happy is an understatement. Seeing him waiting for me, it was joy, relief and comfort altogether. It felt like home. My home. Yes, that's the most accurate description. I ran towards him, he low key outstretched his arms, and gave him a hug—which turned out as a jump hug.

"I'm so proud of you, bea! Congrats!" He whispered to my ear.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!" I heard fans screaming as we hugged. That's when I snapped back into reality.

"Thank you, thirdy!! You can put me down already hehe..." I said as I pulled back from the hug. I was so shy.

Ate Ly and Manong were behind him so I hugged them as well. I was kind of distracted. Okay, where was I? Oh, right. I need to find my Mom and Dad. Where are they, again? My god, Bea! Focus. 

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