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Oh my god, Maddie and Kitty Kat. Am I ready for this?

I answered the phone and saw their faces on the screen.

Maddie: First of all, congratulations to us!! I still can't believe we won. And congrats bei!! We're so proud of you, our MVP. BUT—that's not relevant anymore because what was that lambitin hug, Bea?! That broke internet. You guys are trending on twitter. Oh my god! If I don't know you two, I'd think you're really a couple. Even Zolo was asking me.. or ARE YOU?! Why didn't you tell us?! Kitty, she didn't tell us!!!

Yup, Maddie is the kind of friend who jumps into conclusions in 3 seconds. Lol.

Kat: Calm down, Madzilla. Relax. So Bea, what's the real deal? Is there something we need to know? Kayo na ba ulit?

Bea: Whaaat?! No. Do you think I wouldn't tell you two? We're too busy for me to entertain anyone.

Maddie: What do you feel about him ba?

Bea: Uhhh.. that's.. I don't know. It's kind of complicated. I really don't know.

Kat: So if you're not sure about what you feel, what was that?!

Bea: What?!

Maddie & Kat: The HUG!!

Bea: I was very happy to see him. He helped me a lot during the season. We're very good friends again. So I don't think something's wrong with it.

Kat: Hahahaha. Wow. That's something you would answer in a talk show. Please reserve that for your interview with Tito Boy. Hahaha. Anyways, see it for yourself. There were videos circulating online. Watch it tonight.

Maddie: You really probably haven't watched it. Iba eh. Zolo was asking me if kayo na daw.

Bea: Okay, I get it. Now that the season's over, I might have time to evaluate my feelings for him.


YEAR 2013


"Thirdy! Come on! The game will start soon. We need to get seats pa."

"Ma, go ahead. I'll just get food then find you there. Reserve me a seat."

I was on my way to the gym when I bumped into my friend, Van. I met him through a mutual friend. It has been a while since we last hanged out.

"Van? Bro! What are you doing here?"

"Thirds! Wow, nice to see you here. I'm watching the game, supporting a friend."

"Oh?! Friend lang ba?" I said with a smirk.

"Gago. Friend lang talaga. Family friend." He said defensively.

"Nice, nice. Do you remember my sister Dani? She's playing for Miriam. Let's probably go now, it will start soon."

Van and I decided to seat next to my mom. We just talked about random stuff here & there. Then, the game started.

"GO DANI!!!" I yelled. Dani looked, smiled and gave us a thumbs up.

"I'm actually rooting for Poveda to win."

"Boo!!" I teased him.

An hour later, Poveda already won two sets. They are hella good but I was focused on Dani's performance. I didn't actually pay attention to anybody else until someone spiked and my sister was hit in the face. Then I looked at the person who did it. There she is. Wearing jersey no. 12. De Leon. Familiar. A tall girl, chinkee eyes, and with a cute smile. Psshhh. I'm sure Dani's fine.

"That girl from Poveda is promising. Cute, too." I said loudly. I forgot I said it loudly. Wtf thirds?

"Uyyy.. Sino diyan?"

"That girl. #12." I said, looking at her intently as she serves.

"Loko ka. Wag yan. Yan yung kaibigan ko."

"Grabe naman. Nacute-an lang eh. Ano name?"


"Di nga? Name lang."

"Bea. Isabel Beatriz De Leon."


When we got home, I asked Dani about the game. How she was hit in the face. Teased her about it endlessly that night. Poveda won, btw.

"Dani, do you know anyone from the other team?"

"From Poveda? Yes, I know a few of them. Why?"

"Do you know Bea De Leon?"

When I dropped the question, she grinned and hit me on the shoulder.

"Yiieee, ma! si kuya oh!!"

"Sshhh.." I put my hand on her mouth before she yelled anything.

"Type mo noh??" She said, my hand still covering her mouth.

"I was just asking, Dani. I found out kasi she's a friend of Van. Ngayon ko lang nalaman." I said as I loosened my hand.

"Okay, sabi mo eh. Close pa naman kami ni Ate Bea. If I remember it correctly, batch mates pa ata kayo. Okay. Byeeee." She said grinning from ear to ear as she went upstairs.

"Really? Heyy!! Come back!!" 

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