Meeting new people | chapter 2

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Fluffys P.O.V

"Whats a guild?" I say, they all looked shocked for a second but then remembered I don't have memories.

"its hard to explain" Silver said.

"its a place where people with magic learn how to control it and learn new things about there magic" Bri said I nodded and then my eyes went wed.

"magic?!" I say, they all nod.

"sooo cool!" I say with stars in my eyes, Silver Bri and Richie laugh at that while Brandon and Michael just sigh.

"wait how old are you?" Bri asked.

"good point love how old is she?" silver said/asked.

"she looks young" Brandon said.

"hmm Fluffy do you remember how old you are?" Michael asked.

I looked down and started to think and then like a voice in the back of my head said '13'.

"13 i-im 13" I say, they all looked shocked, I looked at them weirdly before one of them talked.

"sorry you are just soo young" Richie said.

"I-its fine" I say.

"will what are we gonna do with Fluffy?" Michael said.

"she can stay with us until we come up with a full plan" Richie said, they all nodded as I just stared at them.

"welp I get to get back to my guild" Silver said.

"yes I think we should all go back to our guilds now" Michael said. everyone started to leave one by one and now I'm alone with Richie and Brandon.

"come on we should get back to our guild now" Richie said, I nod, I slowly stand up and walk out to a boat with Richie and Brandon, On our way back to there guild they told me more about magic and guilds.

when we get there, there were some people waiting, as soon as I saw them I hid behind Brandon Richie laughs and walked off the boat and started to talk to the people, Brandon looked at me and smiled.

"come on they wont hurt you" he said I just shake my head and closed my eyes, he sighs and picks me up, I open my eyes and hiss at him, he ignores me and walks off the boat,  I tried to hide my face but he just kept pushing it back so I looked at everyone, once we get to everyone else he puts me down and made sure I cant run away, everyone looks at me a Brandon.

"go say hi Fluffy" Brandon said I just hissed at him.

"oi! whos this!" one of the people said. I just hissed at him to.

"dont you hiss at me young lady!" he said.

"calm down you two!" Richie said, the guy just said 'yes sir' and stopped and I just nodded.

"this is Fluffy, shes gonna live with us for a while, she has last her memories so she doesn't know who she is fully" Richie said. I shyly waved at them.

"everyone introduce yourselves" Brandon said.

"I am David!" The guy from other said. he has black hair with dark blue eyes, with a wide smile.

"Im Mario" he has black hair with dark brown eyes, he has a yellow bandanna in his hair.

"Im Inmo!" he has light purple hair, his right eye is a dark blue his hair covers his other eye tho, he also has a purple tail.

"And I am Brun  ( I don't know how to spell his name o-o ) The Viking King!" he has brown hair with green eyes? he has no shirt and you can see how..... buff he is, hes very tail and very VERY buff.

"F-fluffy" I say shyly.

"David can you give her a tour?" Richie asked.

"sure! come on lets go!" David said, I slowly walked over to him and then we walked away.

------------------------------------------------------After the tour---------------------------------------------------------

I was siting on my bed, after the tour that David gave me, Richie found me a place to stay, I thanked David and Richie and then walked inside, and now im sitting on my bed trying to remember my past life, I remembered that there was hair covering my left eye. I walked over to a mirror and moved my hair, I gasped I saw that my left eye was red with 3 scars going over it, I moved my hair back as fast I could.

"Will I guess thats why my hair is like that weird I wonder what happened to me " I asked to myself and then I saw something from my past, I wish I never moved my hair.

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