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Back a Thousand Years Ago

"Alpha! With all do respect Master Jeon will not survive this attack!"

The Beta spoke as the Packs Alpha, Jeon Jaewook, sat atop his throne. His thin black hair laying atop his red and black hanbok

"Yes, I am aware of such thing. Which is why I would like for you to bring in the Sorcerer. Immediately."

The beta was about to protest once more but the anger that emitted form the superiors eyes was very much visible, he wasted no time and left in a hurry


Instantly, his tough exterior softened at the delicate voice

He turned around to see her, a small smile dancing on his lips as he saw her round tummy, a sense of pride wavering over him. He soon realised her pained expression,
Her withered pale hands against the wall as she made her way towards him

"My love, you shouldn't be out here. It's far to dangerous for you and for the baby"

He said as he picked her up, carrying her towards their shared room

"Jaewook-ah, I-I'm afraid.."

She sniffled, immediately he embraced her smaller figure
Soft sobs leaving her lips as he tightly gripped her clothes knowing what she meant by that

"I am too my love.. but it's okay, as long as Jeongguks safe it's okay"

He gently touched her hair separating it so he could see her eyes properly,
A rich adorning honey molasses came into view as she looked up at him
Complete love and admiration glistening in her honey gold eyes

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his many moons, her long jet black locks that'd meet her thighs, her petite yet fierce features and her wickedly dangerous smile. She was breathtaking, such a strong and fearless woman that'd intimidate any man that'd face her. She had the strength of a God, she was vicious on the battle field once she unleashed her true Neia potential having the power to subdue any living thing in her path. She had gorgeous silky midnight fur with a crescent on her forehead thar symbolised her Clan; she smelt of Blossoming Orchid which was a scent never smelt before from any ranking Meifua, classifying herself as a Neia

While he was just as show-stoppingly handsome, he had a long plate that was neatly done and a malicious fringe that complimented his strong features, his hazel nut eyes that'd glow like fireflies in the night and his magnificent body that he took much pride in, he had rock solid washboard abs that were accompanied by a sharp v-line while his thighs and arms were pure muscle. His status being known by everyone and feared by many as the only Trueblood male in the whole of Korea; he was never challenged as such would die in a millisecond. He had a mahogany brown fur coat that resembled the finest wood. His scent was a calming burnt oak, it radiated dominance which meant he was of course a Trueblood.

"I'm scared Jaewook, i'm scared of bringing Jeongguk into this cruel world.. I'm so useless for not being enough for him, because of us- because of me he's going to have to face the same fate as us.. I regret-

I regret having him"

She whimpered as he grasped her rough palms, a small sad smile appearing on his lips as he felt the warmth within them

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