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Angrily I shoved my hands in my pockets, practically dragging my ass down the bustling hallways and out the back of the school to a more secluded area

I roughly opened by bag that hung around my shoulders looking for my lighter and cancer sticks, finally finding them I slotted the stick between my fingers and lit it with my red iron man lighter

What a pain.

I breathed as the smoke left my strawberry flavoured lips, my anger slowly plummeting
I sighed, I hated being fucked around like that. Being taken advantage of was something I hated.

But what I hated more was how someone got me so riled up, especially when I started to like them a bit.

My phone vibrated in my pocket as I grabbed it, I then answered it seeing who it was calling me

"Jungkook, come to the 3rd level of the Seniors Building. We're going to be having lunch together."

The caller spoke

"Okay Namjoon Hyung, I'll be there in 5."

I ended as I threw the remaining bits of my cigarette on the cement, crushing it with my shoes as I grabbed a breath mint and threw it in my mouth

And there he sat. My eyes burning holes into him as he stared right back at me, yet he was blank faced

Him and 8 other unknown males sat infront of me and my hyungs around the circle table covered in food while we sat on the other side of it

"Sorry to bring this upon you all so suddenly, I would just like to introduce myself and Brothers as we'll be working alongside eachother this year. I would like to form a bond and friendship with you all and your loved ones instead of it being some awkward and uncomfortable atmosphere between us."

A Brown haired Meifua spoke up as he stood, my hyungs nodding as they smiled

"Let me introduce myself, I am Kim Suho of Lotus Clan and these are my Brothers, Xiumin who is my Deputy, Baekhyun, Kai, Chen, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Sehun and our youngest, Taehyung."

Suho spoke, my tongue poking the inside of my cheek as I glared at Taehyung

"Nice to meet you all, we really appreciate you taking the time to invite us. I am Kim Namjoon of Eclipse Pack. As you know Min Yoongi my Beta and Jung Hoseok my Delta are the 3 heads of our Inner Circle and this is my Luna Kim Seokjin. These are Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook and Im Seonghyun, my younger brothers."

Namjoon-hyung replied as he smiled, his famous dimples flashing
Hyung was always so reliable. He was smart, charming and understanding.

"Shall we?"

And just like that everyone started conversing making small talk with eachother as I tapped my finger against the table looking at him

He grabbed pieces of handmade sushi and a brownie

"You okay?"

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