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Mr. Lee had given the students this period to talk amongst themselves and get to know eachother, some were happily chatting while others were.. not

Jungkook sat uninterested in his seat as students talked amongst themselves actively while not even sparing him a glance

It was normal for stuff like that to happen to him. People being to scared to even bother with him, his whole vibe telling you to not talk to him. His personality was even more of a reason to not get close with him. And he thrived off of that feeling. The feeling of being feared by so many and confronted by none. It was exhilarating and fed his ego


Someone poked his shoulder as he turned around looking down at a purple headed cat who looked just as unbothered as him

"Do you know what's next? I think I lost my timetable."

He deadpanned as the other gave him a weird glance, he looked at him intensely
He breathed in slightly, the scent of a sweet floral smell meeting his nose. It wasn't intense nor faltered. It was pleasant. No such fear evident in the air

He raised his brows as he looked down at the other silently who looked him directly in the eyes. The whole situation making him laugh slightly


He slowly spoke as he then turned to his desk, ignoring the other who hadn't bothered to answer him

"Your weird."

He chirped again as the other was speechless

"Your very bold."

The other finally spoke up, a tone of amusement heard in his voice
His voice was smooth and very lovely almost like music to people's ears

"Just saying what's true."

"And how do you know that?"

"You just seem weird and everyone acts weird around you. Which makes it even more weird."

He blabbered off as he kept his gaze forward, the words rolling off his tongue like second nature

The other laughed humoured by him

"You.. what's your name?"

He asked curiously as he awaited a response

".. Vante."

He responded, his face seeming so serious but on the inside was dying of laughter

"Your names fucked up."


He retorted acting heartbroken

"What about you, Jungcock"

The other snapped as he was by far flabbergasted
He leaned in particularly close, his eyes sharply piercing into his side

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