The Basement

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   I was never the type to scare easily, or, at all. I just wasn't the type for adrenaline. However, the cold, damp, and cave-like basement was the least pleasant thing that I think I have ever seen. That animal was still left in here though, and it was my mission to save it. I'm a big girl and can easily protect myself so what is the worst that could happen? I kept walking foward, looking for what could have been that striped creature, and soon enough, I found it. A kitty!
  I hastily picked it up, and basically  got scratched to Nether, it made me happy. I've never seen one up close before.
    "Glad you like it," A voice called. "I was starting to think I'd never find some one who'd see me." I froze up at their voice, the cat in my arms wasn't real. Even though it harmed me, it was because I interacted with it. I refused to do that to whatever was talking. "Are you going to ignore me?" I swiftly looked down as the speaker talked to me. A soft clunk of shoes followed. Dress shoes.
"I guess I'm just going to have to make you talk to me, now aren't I?" I saw a big smirk appear across the creature's face. I don't think I'm ready for this. . .

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