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  I sat in the couch, and just stared at the floor until he stared to talk again.
"Say," he started off his rant promisingly, "I'm startin' to think ya don't really like me?" I looked up at this accusation.
   "What makes you think that?" I questioned, trying to push for personal slace, but he'd alway put his head on my shoulder. He cleared his throat.
    "Things like that, where ya move away from me." He tried to cuddle my arm, and I just let him at this point. "You won't give me love and attention." Akadanic seemed to whine this at me. It made me a bit upset that he was this childish, or, at least appeared to be so. I booped his nose to annoy him for this.
   "What if I already have a significant other?" I inquired, looking down at the idiotic demon who seemed to want my attention more than anything. Upon processing the question, he laughed.
   "You move into a haunted house all alone and expect me to think you're not single? Let's face the facts, you don't have anyone." His words stung, they stung more than anything, before I knew it, my face flushed, and I began to have water fall from my eyes. What was happening? Why was I doing this? Am I wrong? I panicked and pushed him off me. Covering my face in a couch cushion.
   "Nam?" He called out trying to touch me, for some reason, his touch just made me  louder. After a minute or two of this, I heard some footsteps pacing, and then a snap. Akadanic pulled me by my shoulder and handed me a toy, a toy of him. It wasn't alive, but it was incredibly soft. I quietly hugged it, not wanting it to be affiliated with him and show weakness, but, it was so soft. I held the toy close and cradled it. We sat there for about ten minutes until the water stopped coming from my eyes and I could breathe again. "I didn't think that would affect you that much," he looked at me while saying this. "I'm so sorry. Making you sad was the last thing I wanted to do." He sat with his hands clasped. "I guess I lost my touch with the ladies, huh? Wonder if I still have it with men." He laughed at this. I processed his words for a long minute.
    "You're gay?" I managed to say muffled into the doll. I heard him basically choke on air.
    "Hm," he unclasped his hands, "great claim and all but," he leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I think I have a strong rebuttal, if you'd like to find out." Akadanic smirked at this, I didn't quite understand and kept a blank face. He dropped the act about a minute in to the silence. "You don't get-
you-" he stared quietly, and made a softer expression.
    "What did you mean?" I questioned and watched his face turn pink. He pat my head to this.
    "Maybe I'll tell you one day." He looked like he was about have a panic attack, so I allowed for him to brush it aside, however, he still seemed flustered.
   "Are you going to be okay?" I mumbled into the doll. He nodded and pulled me closer, onto his lap for a hug.
   "I'll be okay." He answered, he turned on the tv and we sat in silence watching cheesy rom coms and The Godfather.  He was tiring, before I knew it I ended up falling asleep on the demon..

Akadanic and NamUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum