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''Breakfast is ready!'' Called the Canadian, setting up the table. He had made pancakes, with of course maple syrup. France had awoken to his yelling about such, and went out to eat. Canada giggled a bit, and France gave him a questioning look. ''Your berets on backwords,'' He said, taking a bite out of the pancake. Quickly fixing the hat of his, he reminded himself to tell Canadian why he was here. ''You know how I said my house is unsafe,'' He said at first, and his son nodded. ''Well Germany kinda, might of, uh.. Well he broke into the house I'm guessing, and beat up Britain,'' France looked away from him as he spoke, not wanting to see his face. ''I'm sorry, is dad ok? What about Germany?'' Canada asked, worry showing trough his voice. ''I don't know if Britain's alright, I was going to go to the hospital today. I literally have zero idea where Germany is, he was gone when I arrived,'' He said, and finally began to eat some. ''We can go as soon as possible?'' Canada asked, and was hopeful his father would be ok. ''Oui,'' France mumbled, and Canada was pleased. ''Please tell your brother, ok?'' France said, knowing he didn't like to tell things like this to America alone. ''Couldn't you?'' Canada honestly didn't want to tell him either, yet he knew by the way France looked at him that he had to.

America had awoken, feeling as his brushes had gotten worse. Once he got out of bed, he realized there where cuts along his body. Large, open wounds, and it looked like they where recent. Once he gotten dressed, someone opened the door to his room. ''Morning sweetie,'' the voice must of came from Japan, but it was off. It didn't sound like him, but someone else. Before he could turn around, he was pushed onto his bed. Now looking at the person, he saw one of his worst nightmares. The Japanese Empire, was staring back at him. With a large smirk, showing his sharp fangs. ''Hold still,'' The Empire said, feeling along America's body until he got up to his neck. He went to bite his neck, but once America saw his chance. He punched him right in the face, which was perfectly marked where to punch by the Japanese Empires convenient flag. His punch was strong enough to get the Empire stumbling into the wall, he saw a chance and took it. Jumping off the bed, and running. Once the empire realized he had gotten away, he screamed ''Come back!'' America didn't seem to hear him, as he continued to run. How could his sweet little Japan turn into that, he thought. Now starting to think about it more, Japan had been acting somewhat weird lately. Others would know that wasn't the truth, and that Japan was just showing his true colors. China made the mistake long ago, he thought the Empire really loved him. Until he realized it was trap, and at that point it was already too late. He had to report this now. He didn't know how many Empires that where already out and about, but he couldn't let the Japanese and German Empires meet again. He knew a house, and went to knock. A few moments later Bulgaria had answered, surprised for sure to see the world superpower at his house. ''Oh hey, America,'' He greeted, while also giving him a questionable look. ''I need to call someone please, it's an emergency,'' Bulgaria nodded, and let the American inside. Once he was, he saw the two boys. Greece and Poland, who where sound asleep. ''I thought they where at Frances,'' America didn't want to wake them up, because apparently he's ''loud.'' Honestly yeah he could be the loudest person in the room, but if you ever heard some of the Europeans bicker it was one of most deafening sound he's ever heard. Especially Germany and Russia, they really made a good show until Israel would calm Germany down. Bulgaria showed him the phone, and walked out the room. Calling the number of France, as he knew he would send the news out quick. ''Bonjour?'' A sigh in relief was what he first heard from the other side, and than he spoke. ''France the Japanese Empires out, and he tried to rape me,'' America said, and France split out the tea he was drinking. ''Wait America?'' He asked, and he heard a little yeah. ''Well um, I was going to tell you.. Your father's in the hospital, Germany bit him too,'' He said, and America was filled with guilt. His very own father, had been hurt again by the German. He tried to hold in his anger, as that would end badly if he let it out. He remembered what he did to a certain Russian, but he promised himself he wouldn't do that again. Another thing is, America couldn't keep promises to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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