Chapter 5

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"MAN, that was so awesome! The way the creature exploded from inside the box and went for the girl's face, but she bashed it with the meat tenderizer?! I was totally on the edge of my seat!"

"The edge of the counter, you mean," I sighed as we headed down Bloor. As much as I hated to admit it, the movie hadn't been half-bad, even if I couldn't see myself watching it again unless a friend really wanted to. And since I don't have any friends...

"Did you see the look on her boyfriend's face when she chose the monster over him? I thought he would BARF!"


"Oh my gosh..." With a happy little giggle, Knives skipped once before settling into a normal stride again. "Way better than that movie you were watching when I got there."

"Oh, 'The Birds'?"

"Yeah. It was black and white, and just kind of looked depressing."

"Right. What a flop that one was." There was no sense in fighting with someone who didn't appreciate classic cinema, after all. Not that I'm that big of a Hitchcock fan, but the old letch had a way with a camera lens.

"Anyway, sorry about knocking over that display," she went on, scratching her cheek. "Is it expensive? I still have some saved up from working at Second Cup last year..."

My shoulders moved up and down. "Doesn't matter. The boss barely gives a shit. And nothing was really broken, just kinda... bent slightly."

"Oh. Okay, good."


The silence stretched on for another block. Finally, Knives asked, "Um, what? Normally I'd be the one to start a sentence and forget to finish it."

That was a fair point. Why was I having so much trouble with this? My question was supposed to be something simple. Supposed to be. But for whatever reason, asking it felt like a more monumental task. An important one.

"Do you... wanna... come back to my place?"

SHIT. Of course I would end up asking it in a way that sounds like way more than I intended. Like I was propositioning some damn college freshman! Who's a chick! I felt stupid, and embarrassed, and had to snap my lips shut to keep from babbling more, even though in reality, this actually wasn't a big deal. People went to their friends' apartments all the time! Logic couldn't stop me from feeling ridiculous.


When I looked up, her eyes were shining with glee. Literally shining — it could have been the headlights of a passing car. Not really sure.

"Nevermind," I said immediately, continuing to walk at a quick pace. "Forget I said anything."

"No, wait, but- listen- I'm talking to you!" Dashing after me, she finally caught up when I got to the corner and I had to wait for the crosswalk signal. "Kim! I promise I'll be good, don't go!"

"I just... wanted to see if you'd be interested, but not if you're going to make it into some red-letter event, okay?! GOD!"

Her arms wrapped around me, and I had to fight down the instinct to shove her into traffic. "But this is gonna be fun! I've been waiting for you to invite me back sometime!"

"You have?! Then why didn't you say anything?"

"Because you already kind of acted annoyed that I was even hanging around you, and I didn't wanna push it!"

"Well, that's... that is just... totally accurate," I admitted through my clenched teeth. Much as it pained me. "But you could have just... I don't know, nevermind."

Kim Pine's Precious Little KnivesWhere stories live. Discover now