Bonus Sexy Phase [Status: Not A Phase At All]

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WARNINGS: Hardons, grinding, touching, cunnilingus, nipple-play, foot worship, handjob, splooging, ejaculate-eating, analingus. 

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Actually, the "happily fucking ever after" started a lot sooner after that than I expected. I finished the dishes, then got some clothes together for my own shower. Tidied up a little, since my place tended to turn into a dump pretty easily. When I finally heard the bathroom click open, I went to meet my Knives, smiling at how cute she looked with damp hair and a towel around her toned body.

"Happy birthday to me."

"Dork," she giggled, glancing at the clothes under my arm. "Your turn?"

"Yep. If you find something of mine to wear that fits okay, have at it."

"Cool. I didn't think about that; I should probably keep some stuff at your apartment from now until classes start back up."

"Could be a smart idea." Leaning in to kiss her cheek, I whispered, "I'll be quick, I promise. Wanna watch a movie or whatever before you have to head to work?"

"Or whatever," she said with a grin as I went into the bathroom. That did strike me as a tiny bit odd... but I shook it off and just got on with my shower.

Those same feel-good sunshiney thoughts followed me through my morning routine. NegaKim's sensibilities were offended, but I was learning to balance those with the happier state of being I was in now. Weird. Breakfast in bed with the hottest girl I'd ever- well okay, the only hot girl I'd ever been remotely interested in, was apparently all I needed to turn my frown upside-down. At one point, I even caught myself humming some lame pop song Knives had played for me at one point.

Maybe Princess Pine really did take over.

When I exited the bathroom in sporty shorts and a faded old Plumtree tee, rubbing at my face, I looked in the living room for Knives. Nope. A glance told me she wasn't in the kitchen, so I headed for the bedroom.

"Hey, Kni... well."

That was all I could bring myself to say. Lying on my bed was a very nude Knives Chau, leaning up on her elbows and biting her lip as her cheeks glowed, red fringe hanging down over one of her eyes. My first thought was that she was adorable. The second was that I couldn't see a certain piece of anatomy that we had been discussing not too long ago. Didn't take much thinking to realise it was tucked away for aesthetic purposes. A quick glance up at her face again showed she was watching me, so I cast my eyes down, seeing her crimson toes scrunching up nervously.

"H-hey," she whispered. "I, um... f-found something of yours to wear."

"What?" I took another look and finally spotted it: a silver necklace that I forgot I even owned. That was it. "Ah. Well, uh... nice. It's very nice."

"Is it okay? It's not like, a priceless family heirloom or something, is it? I could-"

"No, no," I laughed. Actually, it kind of was; it belonged to my mom, and her mom before her. But it wasn't 'priceless', just a fairly common silver chain. Not one I cared about a lot, but would have been sad if I lost it. "Looks good on you. Um..."

Again, she flexed the muscles in her calves, in her stomach. Trying to keep still, I think. "Um?" But instead of answering right away, I came over to sit on the bed. Clearly, she was seconds away from freaking out. My hand drifted over... and I stuck my finger into her navel.


"Hey!" she giggled, smiling in both amusement and relief. I withdrew my hand, just smiling down at her. "So... hi."

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