Chapter 2

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A/N: some sexual content in involved

It was the first time I'd ever drank without my parents around and I was hesitant on my first drink. "Relax Emilee!" Ruby said. Smiling, I drank the entire cup in one go, my throat burning for the taste. "What the hell was that?" I questioned Alisha. She giggled and raised her eyebrows at the mysterious guy in the corner. "He made it for you" Alisha whispered. Looking over, I noticed he was completely isolated from everyone. He winked at me. "Anything could of been in that!" I worried. They both shrugged simultaneous.

Even though I'd only drank one drink, the next hour I began to feel dizzy. While dancing, everything was spinning and I stepped back, tripping. Two sturdy hands caught me and pulled me up. I looked behind me to find the mysterious guy, smiling at me with his two dimples showing. "Woah there little lady." He said, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "Lets go sit you down babe." He took me by the shoulders and led me down to a sofa. "I'm sorry, but who are you?" I slurred my words. He smiled again, and took my hand. "I'm one of Aprils friends babe. May I say you look amazing!" He told me, his voice deep and comforting. "Okay, but you look a lot older." I questioned. "Of course, I'm 23." He said, as if it was normal being at a 16 year olds birthday. Seeing I looked shocked, he pulled in close to my ear and whispered "Don't worry, I'm her cousin keeping an eye on you guys." Relaxing, my head started to feel light and I lent on the mysterious guys chest. He slid his hands through my hair and kissed it. Slowly, my eyelids dropped and I fell asleep.

I woke up laying on a bed, naked. The mysterious guy was hovering over me, I couldn't tell what he was doing as the room was pitch black. He leaned in close to me kissing my neck and his hands touching my breasts. What was happening? Suddenly it hit me, I was being raped. Attempting to scream, I noticed he'd tied cloth around my mouth preventing this. He slapped my thighs, making me flinched. Then he began. Slowly, then building up his speed. I cried and cried. I tried to escape him, but he slapped me back down. No one was coming. While this monster was attacking me, my two best-friends were downstairs having fun. 

After he's finished, he punched me hard around my face, leading to my nose bleeding. "You whore." He screamed in my ear. "You dirty little slapper. Your boyfriend wont be so happy when he see's this." He picked up my phone out of my bag and took a photo of me. I panicked, realising he was going to send it to Rob. "Sent. Now you tell anyone about this, I'll send it to every single one of your friends, you dirty SKANK!" He yelled, while leaving the room. He slammed the door, leaving me in the dark room, alone. I curled up in ball feeling disgusted. 

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