Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Nicole-Paige Oliver

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Nicole_Lovee13 much love. Hope you enjoy :D

Even though it was the day after the night before, I still needed to face school. My friends and defiantly my parents would know something wen't on. Grudgingly, I dragged myself out of bed and shocked myself with a mirror. My make-up with smeared over my cheeks, my nose and eye were black from the punch and my eye's red from crying. Quickly, I ran to the bathroom just in case anyone see's me in this state. I threw cold water over my face and started to rub of the make-up, flinching when touching my damaged nose. Back in my bedroom, I threw on my uniform feeling disgusted with my own body. That monster had touched it in ways that I could never forget. Somehow, I disguised my bruise with foundation  and eye-shadow, leaving me looking like I was going to another party. 

"Emilee, hurry up! You're going to be late for your first day back!" My mother yelled from downstairs.  There was the smell of bacon cooking, usually my favourite. My stomach turned, I ran to the toilet and threw up. "Emilee? Are you okay" I looked behind me to find my father looking concerned. "Sorry dad, I drank a little too much last night." I lied. He huffed and walked downstairs. Why was I sick over the smell of my favourite food? I'd only drank one drink, that he'd made... It hit me! That monster spiked it! I grabbed my hoddie and bag, and headed for the front door. "Excuse me, but where are you going? You've not eaten!" My mother called from the kitchen, obviously hearing the door handle squeak. "I'm not hungry, sorry. I'm late. Bye mum, bye dad!" I called back and legged it out of the door. 

My road was quiet this morning and I could hear birds tweeting. I've never really heard them before as I always have my headphones in, listening to music. MY PHONE! The text. I'd been in such a state, I never even glanced at my phone. Rummaging through my bag, I found my phone flashing green, signaling a new message. I opened it. It was Rob:

Emilee! Text me babe, hows the party? x

There was 15 more from him, asking if I was okay, where was I. Nothing about the photo. He sent one this morning:

What have I done? I'm really worried about you, just let me know your okay x

I looked in my sent mail, seeing it consisting of only messages from before the party. He didn't send it. But why on earth? Suddenly someone came behind me, wrapping their arms around me, making me jump. I looked behind to find Rob, smiling. "Nice of you to text me back!" He moaned. We held hands and I made some excuse about loosing my phone. We continued to walk to school, walking at slow pace, even though I was already late. Questions after questions about the party, giving me sickening flash-backs. I lied even more. 

He kissed me deeply when we arrived at my school and he headed to college. Now it was time to face Ruby and Alisha, them probably questioning where I went half way through the night. Getting into the corridor, I was lectured by Mrs Goan on lateness which seemed like a lifetime. Finally she let me go, passing me my new timetable, informing me there was a new English teacher. Predictable? I had English first lesson. Quickly, I got to class and sat at the back with Ruby and Alisha, the class muttering. "Where the fuck have you been? The new teachers hot!" Ruby whispered to me. "Ruby shh, he might hear you!" Alisha worried. I faked smiled and turned to the teacher. He was stood at the front, facing the board writing his name. Mr Knight. 

As he turned around, my stomach clenched as I recognised the face. It was him. The mysterious man. The one I said I was immediatly attracted to. The one that raped me last night...

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