Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Chimaera Rawlins X

A/N: Yeah... I do not even think there is drug that can do this... but hey hoe IT'S A FICTION STORY! :D

He saw me and we both starred in absoloute shock. Then he shook his head, scratching his chin... a nervous thing men do. "So class, can you get your books and write me a page of what you did this Summer!" He said to the class, leaving them moaning. "And Emilee, can I see you outside?" He asked, his voice unsteady. What? The guy that rapped me wants to TALK?  

But I couldn't attract anymore attention to myself, so I got up the entire class "Oooing". My entire body was shaking in fear of him, we both stood in the corridor in silence. His eye's peircing into mine. "Look Emilee, last night was a mistake. I didn't know you were still at school?" He stuttered his words. SERIOUSLY? Rapeing me was a mistake? I stayed silent. "I wouldn't of given you the drugs in your drink." He stopped, realising I didn't know this until now. "You raped me though..." I mumbled, barley getting the words out. As his eyebrows raised, I could tell he was confused. "Raped you? WHAT?" He laughed. He took a grey packet out of his pocket and showed me. In bold writting:


"You thought I raped you?" He asked me, pratically giggling. "It's not funny?" I argued.

"It is slightly... I put it in your drink. I found you attractive, I never really thought about your age. You passed out on my chest, so I carried you upstairs and put you in a bed, you took off your clothes in distrease. I guess you were hallucinating then?" He explained.

"But you hit me down when you were... Infact why were we doing it?" I asked, confused.

"Emilee! No... You were asking. I must of put too much in your drink" He worried.

"But... why did you punch me?" I asked more, not convinced by his words.

"You hit your head on the bed, I'm not a monster!" He said, becoming more agitated. Still confused, he explained further.

"After you hit your head, I went downstairs to get some ice, when I came back you were fast asleep. I noticed tears but thought no more of it" Things did seem to add up, I started to remember taking some clothing off... I dreamt the whole thing.

"So have you told your parents? The police!" He started to panik.

"No... no one. I promise." I reasured him. The guy that I thought rapped me, looked around the corridor and pulled me in close and hugged me. His arms were loving and warm and I did feel safe. 

After returning to class, Ruby and Alisha questioned me. "What did he wan't?" "You took a long time, were you snogging" This time a little too loud and people turned around. I lied some more, saying he was a family friend and had some news. Well, he did have some news. 

Finally the bell rang, and we headed to the canteen for break. That entire school day, seemed to be the most I lied. 

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