Chapter 2

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Hux walked through the halls of the new ship and knocked on Kylo Ren's chamber door.

"Who is it?" Kylo asked.

Hux shook his head, Ren was just an oversized kid "General Hux" he answered.

"I guess you can come in," he answered even though he wasn't in the mood for company.

Hux walked in his usual airs about him.

Kylo clenched his fists at Hux's attitude. "What do you want?"

"Your meeting with all the generals and captains is in five minutes and you're not there, you don't want to be late for your first meeting as Supreme Leader" Hux said.

Kylo nodded. "I'll be there in a moment."

"Don't be late this meeting is what they'll view you as for as long as you live, no doubt" Hux says before leaving.

Kylo rose, wishing he had his mask so that he would seem more intimidating, and followed Hux.

They arrived at the council room, all of the captains and generals stood as Kylo entered.

Kylo sat down in the empty chair at the head of the table. "Begin," he said simply. At times he preferred to use as few words as possible, afraid that he might reveal his true self if he spoke too much.

They all sit in silence and Hux rolled his eyes. "So," Hux began "the new placements of your ranking will apparently be decided at the end of the meeting let us begin then."

"The Resistance is our top priority, we almost have them and we have to stop them before they rebuild their numbers. The girl killed our Supreme Leader... so she is at the top of our list. But I want her taken alive, she could give us important information, and if we could turn her to our side, she could be a great ally," said Kylo.

"Why would we want her as an ally? She killed the Supreme Leader, she'd just try to kill you too then where would we be?" one of the generals said.

"Now that Skywalker is dead, she's the Resistance's only hope, if we kill her she'll give them a different kind of hope... they'll try to avenge her and most likely succeed. But if we snuff out their little light and fill it with darkness, we'll kill their hope and those who care about her will join us willingly." Kylo replied.

"Then we can kill them all" another said.

"Exactly... unless we find some use for them," he replied.

"Torture" the man said with an evil smile.

"Well... yes, but there are some good pilots in the Resistance we can always use more." Kylo answered.

"Moving on" Hux said he wasn't in the mood for a argument "where do you think they are Ren?"

"They're probably hiding like cowards. But they're aboard the Millennium Falcon, that piece of junk won't be hard to track. As for the girl leave her to me..." said Kylo.

"Yes Ren she's all your's" Hux said. "Now where to find that SHIP" Hux continued.

"It's cloaking system is ancient, try to see if any of our scanners can pick it up." Kylo replied. "In the meantime, I'll try to pick up the girl's Force signature, but I need to be undisturbed to do so, she's grown very powerful and may have found a way to block me."

"Alright Ren, but first you need to rank everyone, we've lost a lot of generals and captains" Hux said.

"Of course," Kylo replied. "You'll be second in command, Hux." As much as he disliked it, Hux was the best choice.

Hux's mouth was gaping open "W...what?" he said.

"You're our best general," Kylo replied. "And as much as I hate to admit it, I need your strategic wisdom if we're going to succeed. I only hope that we can learn to work together better."

"Uhhhh" Hux just stood there shocked and looking stupid.

"Unless you don't want the position?" Kylo asked thinking that Hux hated him enough to deny the position, just because it meant they'd have to work together, but neither of them were strong enough to lead the First Order alone, it would take them both to make up for Snoke's absence, Kylo's Force abilities and Hux's strategy.

"No, no I want it, it's just surprising coming for the guy that flings me around with the force like I'm a play toy" Hux said shock till clear on his face some of the generals laughed a bit.

"I'm sorry Hux, I shouldn't have done that, it's just that I was trying to prove that I was strong enough to be the Supreme Leader, that I was as strong as Snoke, and that's what Snoke always did to me when I didn't do exactly what he wanted, but I realize know that loyalty is a stronger form of leadership than fear. I will try not to do it again, but I can't make any promises, I have the Skywalker temper I'm afraid."

"Why is he being so nice to me he must want something?"

"I agree" said one of the generals, Hux was pulled from his thoughts "you know Darth Vader killed more of his own men than most rebels did"

Kylo nodded. "That's why Snoke said that I wasn't as strong as my grandfather, I would Force choke some officers, but never kill them. But I want to give all of you a chance, we all make mistakes. I'm going to give everyone in the First Order a promotion, one position higher than you already are unless I choose you for a new position. Now I am expecting all of you to earn your knew place and earn my loyalty, as I earn your's."

"Yes sir" they all said most of them looked pretty happy that they weren't going to be chocked and get a promotion, others not so much, they were hiding it.

"Hux, may I speak to you for a moment?" Kylo asked once everyone else was gone.

"Yes Supreme Leader" Hux answered.

"I heard about what happened to Phasma, I'm sorry... I know you two were close." He allowed the smallest amount of compassion to enter his voice.

Hux looked to the floor "like I said Ren we're not allowed friends in this line of work"

Kylo nodded, "even so I know you cared about her, you forget Hux, I have the Force, I can sense things like that."

"Your lucky to have the force, to be able to be connected to the ones you care about, you're more connected to those you care about than the rest of us." Hux said.

Kylo nodded. "But it isn't always easy, when they're gone and the connection is lost, or worse when they pretend to care but you can feel their hate... their fear beneath it all. And you realize that on the inside, they don't really care about you at all... sometimes I wish I didn't know what people felt and thought about me. Anyway I hope there's no hard feelings between us."

"It's not a relationship you can fix by saying sorry Ren, but I accept your second chance and I will try to give you one as well" he replied.

Kylo nodded, feeling the same.

Then Hux nodded and turned on his heels walking away.

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