Chapter 25

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Rey found Leia, Poe and Finn sitting together discussing plans. She walked over to join them.

"Rey" Leia smiled "there you are we were just discussing plans, why don't you join us"

Rey smiled warmly at her, then came to sit next to her.

"We need to find somewhere to land before we run out of fuel," said Poe.

"Do you have any ideas Rey?" Leia asked.

"What about Endor?" she suggested, trying to sound causal.

"That's not a bad idea there is an old imperial base there that we can use" Leia nodded her agreement

Poe nodded. "That sounds like a good plan."

"Set a corse for Endor" Leia announces.

Several hours later...

The Millennium Falcon drops out of light speed.

Rose came over to Finn, Leia and Rey. She had regained consciousness a few days ago, but Rey could tell that she was still tired. "General, our scanners are picking up several ships and life forms."

"Maybe this wasn't the best idea" Finn said

"Rey do we have enough fuel for another jump" Leia ask considering there options.

Rey bit her lip concerned, but not for the reason that they thought. What if her plan didn't work? Ben had seemed urgent when he said that the only way they could stop the rising evil was if they worked together. She realized that the future of the galaxy was literally in her hands.

"General, can I speak to you... alone?" she asked, begging the Force that Leia would understand.

Leia smiled kindly and nodded following Rey.

Once they were in a room alone together, Rey gently led Leia to a seat, she didn't know how long it would take to explain this. "I have to tell you something, something that I have wanted to tell you for a while."

Leia's smile fade and concern plastered her face.

"It's about your son..." Rey began gently.

A tear fell down her face " he dead?"

Rey took her hand gently to comfort her... this wasn't going the way she had intended. "No."

Leia breathed out slowly happy to know her son was still alive.

"I... I share a connection with him through the Force, I can see him, hear him... even feel him." Rey confessed.

Leia looked at her, shocked "and he... is he... is there hope for him? Is he not lost to the darkness?"

Rey smiled, "there's still hope. In fact he's changed... he's different the darkness is slowly being replaced by light. He told me that he was trying to rebuild the First Order, make it better."

Leia smiled, tears of joy stained her face as she embraced Rey in a tight hug and whispered "thank you."

Rey smiled, returning the hug. "He needs our help, he said that a darkness was rising and the only way to stop it was if the First Order and the Resistance join together."

"Where is he?" Leia asks, pulling away.

"On Endor, that's why I suggested that we come here. I'm sorry... I should have told you."

"It's okay" Leia says.

Rey nodded. "He told me that he wanted to see you... he thought that you died on the bridge during the attack."

"Aw my poor Ben"

Rey smiled at her.

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