Chapter 21

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Hux sit in his chamber on the star yacht as they headed back to Endor lost in thought of Phasma when he felt his father's presence.

"Thinking about a girl?" Luke asked.

"That's none of your business"

"Well... I am your father so..." Luke replied, smirking.

"Uhh... why are you here?" Hux says blushing

"I came to warn you... there is an ancient evil on the rise."

Hux looked puzzled "what evil?"

"I'm not sure, but I can feel darkness rising. A familiar evil presence," Luke replied.

"Do you know where it's coming from?" Hux asked

Luke shook his head solemnly. "No, I want you to be prepared. Learn the ways of the Force, and find your aunt. The only way to defeat this evil is if the First Order and the Resistance joins together."

"Dad you know I don't have the Force," Hux says solemnly.

Luke looked at him for a moment. "The Force is strong in my family, my father had it, I have it, my sister has it, and... my son has it. Owen, your mother had the Force too. It is strong in you, it just hasn't awoken yet... you've been blocking it out, you don't accept that part of yourself, you don't accept who you are... a Skywalker. Embrace the Force, don't block it out let it flow... you'll feel it."

"Uh dad I... it's not who I am" Hux replied

Luke nodded. "You're just like your aunt she is strong with the Force, but she rarely uses it. Still you need to embrace the Force, you'll find that it will even help you with military strategy, the Force will guide you... if you allow it."

"What if I don't want it to"

Luke looked at him. "The choice is your's son."

"Uh plus the only person that can teach me would freak out if they knew I had the force" Hux plopped down on his bed.


"Who else?" Hux placed his arm across his face frustrated

"I don't know... give him a chance. Unless you would prefer for Rey to teach you?"

"I don't know anything about her though and even if I did how would we communicate" Hux asks.

Just then the door swung open and Ben walked in, excited to tell Hux what Rey had said about Phasma, that she was doing better. He looked up surprised to see the Force ghost of his uncle standing in the room. "Uncle Luke?" he asked puzzled.

"I told you I'd see you around kid," Luke replied.

Ben just looked at him cautiously. Then he turned to look at Hux, wondering why he was talking to the Force ghost of his uncle. "I'm sorry if my uncle is bothering you Hux, I think he came to play some kind of prank on me."

Luke smirked. "Not a bad idea actually."

Ben grumbled under his breath.

"But that's not why I came," Luke continued.

"Then perhaps you came to kill me while I sleep, I hate to disappoint you but I'm awake," he answered with venom in his voice.

"I'm sorry Ben... I was wrong."

"You finally realize now that it's too late! Now that my nightmares aren't just caused by Snoke, but by you as well!" he was yelling now. "Now that I'm afraid to go to sleep at night, because someone could just slip into my room and slice me with a lightsaber!"

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