pearson family and y/n's introductions

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Tom's POV

Me and Y/n were in my room her parents died so we invited he to spend the night me and her share a room I was hacking into the report cards and changing my grades and Y/n was sitting on the bed watching me change my grades the window opens me and Y/n look at the winx in confusion.

Tom's mom's POV

I said "oh, my God. stuart!"

Stuart then said "what is it?"

Then I said "tom and Y/n's grads just posted."

Y/n's POV

Tom's breathing becomes heavy he quickly changed his grades.

Stu's POV

My wife said "look."

I then said "Y/n did well a+'s" she put Tom's report up on the computer and I said "wonderful,  Not one a or a b not even in health."

My wife then said "what?"

Then I said "that was just a d, how are that just change."

Tom's POV

Bethany appeared in my window.

She say "one word and your dead."

Then I say "are you crazy dad catches you he's going to kill you."

Then she says "dads not going to catch me." She blows a kiss to Ricky Y/n gaggs.

Then I said "I don't get it, what do you see in that guy."

The she says "you mean the fact that he's good looking, sweetie, sensitive, romantic, funny, and ridiculously athletic." Hanah ran into my room.

Hanah says "dads coming and he's mad."

Then I said "at who?"

Hannah then said "tom." Y/n's laying in the bed looking irritated at bethany still looks a little nauseous.

Then I heard dad yell "tom!" He walks into the room.

Then I said "what?" I feel  nervous at the way he looked at me.

Then dad said "if you're smart enough to hack into the schools website then your smart enough to pass math. You think bethany got excepted to Michigan by screwing around all the time?"

Then I said "of course not. she got in cause she's perfect."

Then my dad said "no you're sister worked her tail off." Y/n looked scared then dad said "and that's exactly what I expected from you."

Then I said "yeah, your right dad I-I-I don't deserve a family vacation. I should stay home tomorrow and learn my lesson."

Then dad said "no,no,no,no I'm not taking that bait kiddo this is you the bad atitude the bad grades what is going on."

Then I said "nothin."

Then dad said "you know what I blame all this for becoming between this right here. Old fashioned no tech family togetherness is exactly what we need so get some sleep we're hitting the road at sun up." He looked behind the door and said "oh, and you guys two." They leave my room  I joined Y/n on the bed and snuggled up to her and we went to sleep.

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