road trip to Michigan

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Y/n's POV

I had to sit on Tom's lap I felt  something poke me I look at Tom he was looking ou the window and whispered in my ear "just ignore it. " I nod I got my phone and listened to some music blushing hard I was getting angry and say with a growl "bethany stop it stay on your side." She looks at me angry my eyes are a bright yellow and I start growling at her tom started to rub my back my eyes go back to normal but I was stil mad at her I lay my head and Tom's shoulder.

Then tom said to hanah "hanah please next time you ride the hump okay."

Then hanah said "I barf in the middle remember."

The radio said something about meteor shower. I grabbed bethany's phone and said "wow. your boy toy is a complete idiot." She ripped her phone out of my hand.

She looks at me Then she said "Ricky is not a boy toy. We're in a mature loving relationship." I heard  tom gag at this I feel bad for him.

Then she said "okay let's talk in a few years when you have a clue what dating is all about." I glared at bethany worning her to shut the hell up our she'd end up in the hospital.

Then tom said "like Ricky has a clue."

I fall asleep with my head on Tom's shoulders until we get there.

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