Tom and Jake get in trouble

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Tom's POV

I just saw Y/n's water wolf form and it was beautiful.

My dad brought me out of my thoughts by saying "a paintball gun don't you know that's a gate way gun what's next beebe hellet stun what am I gonna do with you."

Then I go in deep thought about y/n I feel horny 'oh god have to go to the bathroom and sort this out know.'

Then bethany said "can you keep him in his room for a week."

I to put composer on and then I said "but it wasn't even me."

Then dad said "okay,okay look you boys are lucky Ricky wasn't badly hurt."

I get lost in thought again I buried out the voice I was looking at my father.

Ricky says "it's okay mr. P I was a once kid to."

My dad said I was reading his lip "oh that's nice Ricky thank you. He's a good guy. But no I'm not okay with this. Look where up here to fish not to hunt your sister boyfriend all right you could have put his eye out would that have been funny I don't think so all right let's start with a clear slate tomorrow we fish 7am sharp."

Then I said "7 your kidding."

Then Jake said "pass nate."

Then Nate said "stu do you think that's a bit early how about this 10AM on the boat no questions asked."

Then dad said "way to creak a whip Nate, way to creak a whip."

No one's POV

Aliens hit the saddlit dish.

Y/n's I was sitting in the room with granny.

Granny says "stu baby the TVs gone haywire.

Then Nate says "stu TV's gone haywire.

Then stu said "mom,mom stop it. It's probably just the dish alright after this stom I'll climb up on the roof and fix it. " Ricky walks up behind tom and hit him on the head okay now I'm mad.

I say "why would you do that!? You don't know what I'm capable of when I'm protecting those i love do you?!" My eyes glow a red color and start growling.

Ricky then says "hey, wait a second mr. P let me fix the dish man that's the least I can do for the hospitality."

Bethany then said "no. Ricky you hurt."

Ricky then says "it was just a graze."

Then granny said "no, honey he's fine go ahead Richard."

Ricky looks at me and then said "yes indeedie but I'm gonna ned two helper Y/n, Tom come with me." I just glare at Ricky cause I'm pissed off.

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