Ricky meets stuart and Nina Pearson

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Y/n's POV

We walk into the kitchen to see a worried stuart and nina.

Then stuart asked "Y/n are you okay?" I nodded  tom sat me down at the table and  sat by me with a worried look.

Then Ricky walked in and said "mr. and mrs. P."

Then Nina said "Ricky wow." I get up and run back upstairs and in the same bathroom again tom followed me and rubbed my back until it was all out and  walked back downstairs I was groan not to hear the lies Ricky said.

Then stu said "hey Ricky what a surprise. "

Then Ricky said "i brought a little homewarming gift."

Then bethany said "that's so sweet isn't he sweet."

Then nina said "yes these are beautiful. "

Then stu said "those are gorgeous. Very patriotic to huh? Let's stick the flags in some water and see if they grow."

Then nina said "yeah we'll do that. Hey do you want anything to drink or eat?"

Then Ricky said "oh, oh that is so sweet. A-a-and really wish I could but my parents have a boat house in okasten shoot I have to get back before dark in case my car breaks down again."

Then stu said "uh-oh car trouble mmm."

Then tom says "dad why don't you why don't you take a look at it for Ricky. " I nod in agreement.

Then stu said "sure I don't mind getting my hand dirty. " they go outside and stu looked in the hood and said "try it again Ricky."

Then me and tom said "it should be something obvious dad." I dont know why I called him dad that was wired I look pissed off and I am I glare at Ricky.

Then stu said "I gotta be honest with you  atoumachinics aren't my thing now if this was a spread sheet or a ledger I would be all over it. Tell you what Ricky why don't you stay here tonight and then we'll take you car to the shop in the morning."

Then Ricky said "mr. P that's really considerit of you."

I started feeling pain I fall back into Tom's arms and said "tom we have to go inside." I say almost whimpering in pain he nod he makes Jake follow we go into Jake's room I start to realize and the pain is gone "oh, oh that feels better. I don't know why but when I'm near Ricky I want to either throw up or I feel really bad pain through my entire body. "

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