tom's Y/n's and Jake's plan to take down Ricky

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Y/n's POV

I was so irritated and paranoid that I was looking around the room for water.

Then I said "need water can't breath. I'll be right back. "I got a glass of water and brought it back up and sit by the window and start to drink the water.

Then Jake said "what a gas pipe."

Then Tom said "I know why can't they see that."

Then Jake said "dude parents are wired differently they're brain are old mushie fraggle from bad 80's music so it's up to you Tomas you gotta defend your family honor like a man I call it the punisher."

Then tom said "your dad bought you this."

Then Jake said "percks of divorce never underestimate the power of a grown man's guilt if we even mitchon mom nate drives us straight to the mall. She's all yours. Don't be a wuss your whole life."

Then Tom said "uh... I-I-I  don't know man."

Then Jake said "take a look at that guy do you really want Ricky as your brother-in-law."

Then tom said "heck no."

Then Jake said "then let's go prune the family tree."

I go to the pool need of water on my body I go under th water and  i painfully transform into my water wolf and stay in the water in the beep end so no one could see me.

I then hear bethany say "I had so much fun last night Ricky."

Then I heard Ricky say "oh, yeah. You know that's just the beginning man the sun off the water and this light wait cotton is so constricting."then I think to myself 'oh, no he's not coming in here.'

Then bethany said "I hate cotton."

Then I connect thoughts with tom 'tom get them away from the pool I'm scared they're gonna get in and see me.'

Then his thought say 'wait your in the pool? Why?'

Then my thoughts say 'cause I need water on my body to survive silly.'

Then his thought say 'which part are you in?'

Then my thoughts say 'the deep end.'

Then I disconnected the conversation and the paint ball gun going off and Ricky scream in pain.

Then Tom went to the pool I come to the surface as a wolf he puts his hand out so I can smell it I nunge my head against his hand so he would pet my head.

Then tom said "you look beautiful as a wolf."

I blushed I didn't even know if that was possible I get out of the pool and I turn into my human form.

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