15. Looking

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Flashbacks are in bold*

The setting sun indicated the end of another day. The flocks of birds flew towards their nests. The humans were mimicking them rushing towards their homes. Life was coming to a standstill.

But at the end of Qasai Gali, life had just awakened in its full form. The lamps were shining with the silhouettes of painted smiles and hidden grief. Some were basking in the spotlight while others just wanted to hide in a nook away from the world. And in all this chaos, some faces were just indifferent, as if nothing about this life made any difference to them anymore. This was a face of life unknown to many. The face which was marred even after all the layers of happiness and contentment.

Yahan tehzeeb bikti hai, yahan farmaan bikte hain

Zara tum daam tou badlo, yhan imaan bikte hain

Values and norms are sold here

Change your price and see faiths are sold here

Habib Jalib

Hamail rested his head on the wall of the window and closed his eyes. Demeaning of life here was so new to him. Women being used like a tissue paper were something he was not used to seeing in his life but here it was the normal and these people knew nothing other than that. Fate is a strange thing. Especially which is decided without you having any say in it. Many people here were subjected to that fate only.

"Sheraz is here."

Waleed whispered drawing Hamail's attention towards him. Hamail immediately straightened his back and focused his hearing in the room. The woman they were in contact with, named Muskan had called them here tonight as Sheraz had booked a night stay. This was the chance they were after for so long. Waleed was the one who had spied on Sheraz and came to know where Sherz spent most of his nights. Muskan was Sheraz's old pal as he was no newbie in this area. Waleed had gathered that much in a week and then he had found Muskan alone in a market and talked her into what he was planning. Muskan wasn't even reluctant at first. It should've confused Waleed seeing her enthusiasm on using Sheraz like this but her response had made things clear.

"These markets operate because people like Sheraz won't stop coming here. Most of the women working at Qasai Gali were either born to be prostitutes or were forced to do so. And who encourage such circumstances? People like Sheraz and many out there so if I get a chance of pulling just one down I'll do it with a smile, Officer."

Her reasoning had made sense and that was the moment Waleed knew once Zaviyar was out alive what their next mission should be. These women needed help and it was sad no one had thought of obliterating such areas.

So here they were now. Through Muskan they had come to know about Sheraz's being a light weight and immediately the plan had formed and now was the time to implement it.

Hamail scowled at the noise of shuffling coming from the room. It was no rocket science what was happening there.

"Easy, Sheraz. It's not been that long to be this desperate."

The fakeness of Muskan's giggle was so clear. Sheraz was a fool. No denying.

"You know I can't spend more than two days away from you."

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