Chapter 3

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Jeongyeon's POV

I already informed Nayeon that I'll be moving in today and to tell others about it.

To: Chaeyoung
        goodmorning cub! I'm on my way now. Wait for me at the front gate.

From: Chaeyoung
         really? can't wait to see you hyung. take care..

After 30mins were finally here. I'm with Rose right now since she insisted of driving me here.

"Baby please take care of yourself. Don't forget to visit me everyday. Don't stay outside late at nights, okay?" -Rose

"Geez unnie, you sounds like mom right now. Don't worry, I'll take care of myself. You take care too. See you later unnie." I kissed her forehead, she then pull me into a hug.

"Goodluck with your girl baby. Update me from time to time." -Rose

"I will."

"Okay I'm going now. Jisoo is probably waiting for me now. Bye." -Rose

I wave my hands and bid goodbye. I watch her car until she's out of my sight.

"I'm gonna miss you unnie." I mumbled.

"Unnie? I thought she's your girlfriend. You two were so sweet earlier." -Chaeyoung

"Gosh! wha-- she's my sister."

"She's pretty hyung but I haven't seen her face HAHAHA!" glad she didn't recognize Rose or else I got a lot to tell to this cub.

"Don't worry I'll introduce you to her next time."

"Then I'll look forward to it. Let's get inside hyung." -Chaeyoung

When we got inside the apartment, Dahyun immediately run towards me and gave me a tight hug. In this group, I'm quite closer with Chae, Dahyun and Tzuyu than the others. They were known as the school meal club because they make a great trio in playing the violin and the piano.

"Wait- I- can't-bre-ath".

"Sorry unnie. I'm so happy you're here. We can finally hang out often." -Dahyun

Tzuyu is standing beside Chaeyoung smiling. I know she's happy because of her genuine smile. After a little drama at the hallway, I went inside Nayeon's room because the door was already open. I saw her sitting on the couch.

"Hi Jeongyeon, welcome to your new home. Let me help you unpack your things in our room." -Nayeon

"Our room?!"

"Yes. our room. Do I have to repeat it again?" -Nayeon

"No." I awkwardly smile and follow her.

When we get inside I notice there's only one queen-size bed. I think I'm going crazy right now.

"I know what you're thinking. Yes we are sleeping on the same bed." -Nayeon


"If you don't like it then you sleep on the couch and I'll sleep on the bed.!" she said going inside the bathroom closing the door loudly.

What's with her? Is she mad? Did I something wrong? I sigh.

Nayeon's POV

That ostrich is pissing me of. Don't she like it sleeping with me? Then why did she agreed on moving in here? It's frustrating. I was interrupted from my deep thoughts by a knock on the door.

"Nayeon unnie, are you mad? I'm sorry. I'm not just used to sleeping with someone on the same bed. I'm sorry okay? Please come out now." it's Jeongyeon.

I open the door and she is there standing beside the door with her head hanged down. I hit her hard on her arm.

"Ouch! ouch! What now?" she groaned.

"Just tell me if you don't want to sleep with so I can switch rooms with Sana you ostrich!"

She just look at me with a wide grin on her face not anymore stopping me from hitting her.

"Are you jealous unnie?HAHAHA Of course I want to sleep beside you. Who wouldn't like it when you wake up early in the morning seeing a beauty like you beside me?!" she said more like teasing me.

I stop hitting her arm and I can feel my face burning hot right now. I hurriedly rush to the door to go outside. As I open it I saw Sana and Momo. I bet they're going to tease me right now.

"Oh first fight with your wife?" -Sana
"I think not. Look at her, she's as red as tomato." Momo said smirking.

"W-why are you here?" gosh Nayeon you're stuttering again.

"Jihyo asked me to call you for lunch. And she said to bring Jeongyeon with you." -Sana

"Of course Sana, I'm coming." Jeongyeon appeared beside me and wink at me. Stop it Jeongyeon. I hid my face because I'm sure my face is redder than a tomato.

"Let's go. It's so hot here." I said leaving them behind. I can hear them laughing when I left.

Rose's POV

I am sitting at the bench at the center of the garden. Its the garden built by Jeongyeon at the back of my cafe. This is where she spent most of her time keeping herself busy to forget the pain. The garden is full of white and red roses some orchids and other flowering plants. She enclosed the garden with glasses that made it look like a room of flowers. She also added butterflies on it, its her favorite animal, to make the place more nicer and peaceful. There's a big piano at the at the corner of the garden which was not been touched for months now since she stop playing it.

"Earth to Rose." -Jisoo

"Hi babe."

"Is my girlfriend back on earth?How's mars then?" she chuckled. You're spacing out babe, what were you thinking?"-Jisoo

"Jeongyeon." I simply replied.

"Why? What happened to her?" she worriedly asked.

"Nothing. I just missed my bestfriend. She's staying in an apartment near school with the person she likes."

"You should be happy then. She finally open her heart again for someone." -Jisoo

"I'm happy babe. I am finally seeing Jeongyeon back on her old self. The one who keeps playing pranks, laughing and throwing her not so funny jokes like old times. I wish she start playing the piano again. This place is gloomy without the sound of her piano... But I can't stop thinking about it, she's falling inlove again. What if she gets hurt again? I'm afraid I'll see her in that state back then." -Rose

"Your negative side is eating you again. Babe let's be happy that she's finally falling for someone now that way maybe she'll forget about the past. Remember pain is always there where there is love. Let's make sure she knows that were always at her side no matter what happens." -Jisoo

"Babe are you sick? How come an idiot like you can tell those words?" I face her laughing.

"Yah! I'm serious. I'm trying to lit up your mood." she pout.

"You're cute babe." I said and gave her a peck on her lips.

"Yah! Park Chaeyoung!" she called me but I did not turned back and rush inside the cafe.

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