Chapter thirteen

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I had a plan.

And it was perfect.

It was going to work. I just knew that it would. Lots of people out there in the world had no idea how many different, unknown creatures there were out there. Much alike my own. And these including the witches.

Witches; Strong, powerful, not to be crossed, blah blah blah. It kind of bored me to be perfectly honest with you, all that magical stuff. But then, this morning, a new mer was added in to the tank. And I knew exactly who she was, so there was no point in her trying to deny it.

Lexie Waters. Her father, a very strong warlock that resided on the land. Her mother, a stong mermaid who faught many years as a soldier. Of course I knew about this, my name gave me the right to. Because of the two different species of blood that were mixed, a chemical reaction was formed. The result?


She had been around for many many years, although she only looked as though to be twenty one. You may have even heard of a story inspired by her; the little mermaid. Yes, she was apart of that story. No, she wasn't Ariel. 

She was Ursela.

Although looked nothing alike her, and wasn't actually evil. She was just incredibly strong. And that as exactly what I needed. "Lexie" I acknowledged her. "Your highness" she spat out, almost in disgust. Yeah, mine and her familys didn't exactly always get along. "I need a favour" I started swimming away with her to a seperate part of the tank.

"One that will benefit us all".


To my luck, Lexie had agreed. What I was planning needed an incredibly strong spell, that may need to be able to last fro weeks. But that was the tricky part; Lexie had said that she hadn't had enough materials and ingredients to be able to make a spell that strong. Although, she did say that there was enough to complete the spell, but it would begin to wear off after two weeks. Then, the spell would need to be re- done. Which was another tricky bit.

I would tell you the plan, but you might give it away. After all, I had to get this to work. For many reasons, really. The first being that it could possibly bring freedom to all the mers who had  been captured. Which yes, is probably more important than the next one. But the next reason excited me more.

I would be able to see my Belle.

I knew she wouldn't want to see me though. The look of fear was clear as day light on her face. The night mares that I must have placed in to her poor, innocent mind. Even though the mate bond was no where near completed, I could already feel her pain. Her tears. Her fear. Fear that I had caused. I knew that every thing was going to be a lot harder with her now, and the process was going to be a lot slower.

But I could wait.

For her.

But first, I would probably have to kill that human boy that she had been with. He looked closer to her than just friends, and wasn't a family member. I could tell; even over all the blood, I could still smell that their scents were different. But even if they were family, he would still probably have to be disposed of. Or at least, lets say, 'taken care of'. She wouldn't really be able to have a close relationship with them, as she would obviously be apart of my world, not theirs.

Whilst I was lost deep in thought, Tessa swam up to, looking annoyed as usual. "I don't know why your going to so much effort for this one human girl" she said, folding her arms. I just growled back, defensive of my Belle. She had no place to say any thing about her. This mermaid had clinged on to me for so long, that I never thought to put her in her rightful place. 

"Tessa, just flip off. Unless you want to question me?" I said, a dark look on my face as I threatened her to say more. She just cowered back slightly, but still stood her ground. "You know what, Julian? You used to tell me you loved me; I thought the world of you. And now I realise your just a greedy dirt bag who only looks out for him self." She exclaimed, beginning to swim off.

But before she went too far, she turned head back to look at me. "If your not careful, your gonna end up breaking that girls heart" Her face held a look of sympathy, as though she was speaking from experience. My heart clenched slightly; I cared about Tessa for a long time, but the second I found some thing better, I threw her off. As I looked at the sad smile on her face, I knew that I had to change. Change not only for me;

But for Belle.


Words: 848

Yes, I know. It is a short ass chapter. BUTTTTTT! That is only because I din't want to drag this on for too long when the story needed to get going again! 

Question of the day: Do you like the cover of this book?

Mia x


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