the text

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You open ur phone

And check your messages


You read techno's very cool message that was sent to you.

"We need to talk"

About what?

U respond

He says

"About us"

oh no what did I do this time

o h n o

You say "wdym"

He then starts texting back

You get nervous

Then he sent a message back.

"Hey, things haven't been working out recently and-"

You stop reading

Could this be?

Him breaking up with you over text?!

It can't be!

You take a deep breath and continue to read

"and I think things would be better off if we go our separate ways, I'm breaking up with you."


He then starts texting again

And then you read his text once again,

"Honestly idk why I was dating you in the first place. I don't like you, I never did."

Your throat was burning and you began to cry.

1 year down the drain.

Over text.

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