Chapter 1

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It was the night of October 15th, 1872 in New York. It was very dark and stormy. Margaret Saunders earlier that week found out her husband, John Stafford, cheated on her. Margaret had been home sitting in the living room chair, waiting for her husband to get home. He walked into the door "Hey honey im home, sorry I was late I got stuck in the office." "Until 9 PM?" Margaret Replied. Margaret felt stressed and tired and she didn't want to wait any longer to confront him. She looked at her husband with tears in her eyes, "I'm not stupid, I know what you have been doing with that women." John immediately started yelling and fighting with her. He told Margaret he still loved her but she didn't believe him. She felt so heartbroken and stressed, she said "I'm going for a drive, I can't be around a bastard like you!" "OKAY LEAVE THEN" John replied. Her bitterness and hatred towards him grew more and more every hour. Margaret took a drive to clear her distracted mind. A few minutes down the road from her house she saw a tall dark, monstrous-looking creature standing in the road. She tried to swerve out of the way but the road was slick and her car ran off the road. Her car slid down a hill and went into a bush. She didn't sustain any injuries but the car was damaged a bit. Then she heard some strange noises. There was growling and snarling. Margaret feared it was what was standing in the road. She attempted to escape her car, she tried the door but it wouldn't open. She used all her might to try and open it. Then it flew open after she kicked a couple of times. Now she was out of the car, but where did the creature go? She didn't hear it anymore. In her mind, she was hoping it went away, but her worst fear came true. She heard it again, growling and snarling. It was right behind her! She quickly turned around, She could see it in the bright headlights of the car. The creature was tall, about eight feet, very pale, no hair, and very skinny. She screamed and tried to run, but it was quicker than her. She stood no chance against it. It grabbed her by the back of her neck and dragged her back. It knocked her out cold, everything went black, then she woke up in her bed.

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