Chapter 3

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She got a shock of fear when she found a bunch of her hair sitting on her pillow. She quickly ran to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. Some of her hair had fallen out. Her husband ran in and asked what was wrong, she felt a sense of extreme hatred towards him. "She screamed at him to get out and to leave her alone". She went on for the rest of the day going through extreme pain. She seemed to be growing taller and taller every hour. Her fingernails grew out too, about 5 inches long. It got to be bedtime again but she didn't want to sleep. She stayed up late but fell asleep around 2'oclock. Margaret was going to go to the hospital the next day. Her husband slept on the couch because he didn't want to sleep with her like that. The next morning she felt bloodthirsty. Craving the murder of her husband. "That dirty lying cheater," she thought. "I'm gonna kill him". "Cut him with my long sharp nails". She crept into the living room silently. Then she growled and roared to scare him awake. She wanted him to suffer. He jumped away and stood up all panicked. "You're dead to me," she screamed at him. She ran towards him scratching at his face. She cut his cheek. He was starting to bleed. She slashed again, this time at his chest. She sliced his stomach open, blood pouring out. The blood covered the floor. Then he slipped in it, slipped in his own blood. He screamed in pain and agony, she wanted him to suffer. She taped his mouth shut. She started digging her claws into him. The claws went in a couple of inches deep into his stomach. Blood poured out once more. He was squirming all around trying to escape. Margaret was too strong, she had turned, she changed into a wendigo. She was satisfied with his suffering now and decided to finish him off. She sliced at where his heart was and cut deep. She kept going until there was a big hole. She cut his heart out and then she began to eat it. "That's what happens to dirty lying cheaters," she said as she was eating. Margaret couldn't stay here though. The neighbors must have heard him scream for help because she heard sirens approaching. She bolted out the backdoor and ran into the woods, she was covered in blood. She needed to wash off so she went to the nearest creek and hopped in. The blood came off and turned the water red. She went to a spot with clear water and looked at her reflection. She was tall and pale with long sharp fingernails and sharp teeth. She didn't care at that point because she was satisfied with her husband's death. "Cheaters must die," she said. She made a plan that since she became this monster, she will kill all cheaters she can find. She must stay away from the cops though. Crunch, crunch, she heard footsteps nearby. The cops must be searching the woods. They must know that she came this way. She bolted across the river deeper into the woods, as quietly as possible. Being caught right now would be the worst thing that could happen. If she was seen like this, she would either be killed on sight or captured and inspected. Luckily the leaves were still wet and weren't crunchy. After running for about a minute she climbed into a tree and hid there. She stayed in the tree until nighttime. It would be hard to see her at night. She was very hungry because she only ate her husband's heart that day. She heard a deer in the distance and decided that the deer would be a great meal. She jumped out of the tree and snuck up close to the deer. She watched it closely to get an idea of what it would do when she went after it. After about a minute she jumped out of a bush and ran after the deer. The deer tried to run away but Margaret caught it before it could get enough speed. She sank her teeth into the stomach of the deer and was satisfied by the taste of raw meat and blood. Turning into a windigo increased her speed and strength by a lot and now she could eat raw meat without any problems. She ate the whole deer and climbed back into a tree to sleep for the night. She woke up around in the afternoon because she stayed up late thinking of other cheaters she could go after but she didn't know any others. She would have to sneak around and find some more, so that's what she was going to do that day. She hopped out of the tree and wandered around the woods until she found an opening in the woods. She found a new part of town she hadn't been to before but she couldn't just walk in. She had to sneak around so she doesn't get caught. She jumped on the roofs of the buildings trying to stay as quiet as possible. Luckily no one noticed her. 

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