Chapter 2

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It must have been a nightmare, she thought. But her head was pounding with horrible pain. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom, there was a bruise on her head. "That's weird", she thought. "How did this get here if it was only a dream"? There were also long finger marks on the back of her neck. She wanted to tell a friend but didn't want to seem crazy, so she just brushed it off. "Must be a coincidence". She went to her computer to see if she can find the creature. She looked up the words tall, pale, skinny, scary creature. Many things came up. She found the one that looked the most alike. It was called a Windigo. She didn't want to know anymore because she was already too scared so she got off the computer. She was super hungry so she went into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Her husband was still asleep but she didn't want to make him anything so she made herself some bacon and pancakes. It was Saturday so she didn't have to go to work. She decided she wanted to do some cleaning then relax after she ate. So she finished her food then cleaned up the kitchen from where she made breakfast then cleaned up the dining room where she ate. The rest of the house was pretty clean because they normally keep things clean. She decided she wanted to watch some TV so she sat on the couch and turned on the TV. The news was on, her husband was probably watching it last night. Then she got hit with a sudden surprise. They were doing a news story on a car crash last night, the car looked just like hers. "This can't be real," she exclaimed, the car was smashed in t eh side she couldn't get out of and there was a lot of blood on the ground. The crash was exactly where it was in her dream. She went outside to see if her car was there. But it wasn't there, she immediately called 911. She was even more terrified, "But why would there be blood there if I didn't bleed at all," she thought? The police answered and said "nine one one what's your emergency," like they usually do. "That car crash last night was my car, I don't know what's happening"! "Ma'am calm down, what's your address, we'll send an officer down there right away". She gave them the address and then hung up. She decided to sit on the grass while she waits for them to show up. It was still wet from the storm last night but she didn't care. She was way too worried and confused to care about the grass being wet. After a couple of minutes of waiting the police finally showed up. The husband must have heard them because he came outside and asked what was happening. Th police officer then asked where the car went. Margaret told the police officer what was happening. He said that it was very strange and coincidental. "I'll go down to the station and let them know," said the officer. "Ok, thank you," said Margaret. She and her husband went back inside. He asked her to tell him what was happening because he couldn't hear much of it when she was talking to the officer, and just wanted to hear it from her. She told him most of it but left out that she left because of him. Instead, she told him she left because she was on her way to meet a friend. "Why didn't you tell me before," he asked? "Because it was a last-minute decision". "Ok then," he said. "Are you 100% sure that that's your car and that it wasn't stolen"? "Yes I'm 100% sure," said Margaret. Margaret went back to watching TV to try to calm down a bit. The day passed by and nothing else happened for the rest of the day. Then they went to bed as usual.

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